Good Memories

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A/n (Author's note)
Demon or other speaking

Naruto's P.O.V.

An hour or two ago I was enveloped in this glowing white orb. And all I could think about was all the good times I've had.

'Meeting Sasuke'

'It was the 3rd of November and I was at the park hoping to find someone to play with. But when ever I went up to someone they would just get up and move away, and they would go hang out with my siblings. I eventually asked Mom if she would push me on the swing. "Not right now honey" she told me. So as I was walking away towards the swing set alone. A boy my age with a crazy almost duck like hair came up to me and asked if I wanted to play with him. I looked at him for a couple seconds then smiled. I asked for his name and he told me his name was Sasuke. We played for what felt like hours. Then Menma and Naru came up to us and started to annoy us, and they even tried to take my new friend away. "Why are you hanging out with that loser when you could be hanging out with us" Menma asked Sasuke. "Because he's my friend" answered Sasuke in a serious tone. "But he's mean to us, so why would you play with someone that picks on us" asked Naru with an innocent tone. "I've watched him for an hour or so and he hasn't picked on anyone, but you come over here and start to pick on Him" he said with his voice getting louder and louder. After that both Menma and Naru just left but not without giving us glares. Shortly after we started to play again, and after and hour Sasuke told me that he had to go home. But he told me we could come back to this spot and play together again. I quickly agreed. But as I was going to Mom to go home. But I stopped in my tracks and saw Kushina pushing both Menma and Naru on the swings.

'Flashback end'

That was a very pleasant memory and it led to other good memories like meeting Sasuke's family.

'Meeting the Uchihas'

'After meeting Sasuke and hanging out with him for a couple of hours. Sasuke decided to introduce me to his family. The first person I met was Itatchi. Itatchi has just gotten back from an mission with both Shisui and his girlfriend. We had a great conversation about ninja weapons, tactics, and other such things. Then Itatchi introduced me to both Shisui and his girlfriend. Me and Shisui quickly got along as we came up with a plan to prank Itatchi which worked and was quickly blamed on Shisui. I got along with his girlfriend as we talked about our hobbies and other things like that. Then I met Fugaku when I met him he was having trouble with financing, and I told him that he should cut costs to things that weren't necessary. After that he would just nod his head at me in greetings and occasionally he would smile. Then I finally met Mikoto as I was over at their house having fun with both Itatchi and Sasuke when I noticed that Mikoto needed help with setting the food on the table. After that I would go with them on family outings, I would have dinner with them a couple of times, and other things like that. And shortly after they had all become my like a second family to me.'

'Flashback end'

I remembered when I met Nanari the librarian, it was just a short interaction that led to a great friendship.

'Meeting Nanari'

'I was walking home from an evening with the Uchihas, when I spotted a librarian with a stack of books in her hands that was having trouble getting the books inside. So I helped her out by holding the door for her. And after seeing all the books that needed to be put on shelves, I decided to help her put away all the books. After we were done, the librarian locked up the library and treated me to a bowl of ramen. As we were eating she introduced herself as Nanari and we started to talk about our day. And we eventually became good friends then eventually we became like family, siblings.'

'Flashback end'

I remembered when I met the old man. Hiruzen Sarutobi the former 3rd Hokage. He was so kind when we first met and he taught me many things.

'Meeting Hiruzen Sarutobi'

'I was walking home from the park because Sasuke wasn't there. Itatchi sent me a message via crow that they were going to be doing some brotherly bonding today. I sent a message back with the crow telling them not to worry and that I understand. So I started to walk home. As I was walking home I noticed an old man sitting alone at a table and I don't know why I did it but I went up to him and began to talk to him. He was a very good listener and he gave very good and wise advice. I saw that he had a box of shogi with him. "So are you waiting for someone" I asked. "Yes I'm waiting for my son we rarely spend time together" he said. "But it looks like he won't be coming, I'm sure he got caught up in something important" he said with a hint of sadness in his voice. "I'll play a few games of shogi with you" I said with a smile on my face. And just like that we started to play. He won some rounds then I won some rounds although I think he was going easy on me. After that I started to spend a lot of time with him. He taught me how to cook in case I was hungry and my parents were around. He taught me how to defend myself. He taught me a lot and over time I began to see him in a different light. To me he wasn't the 3rd Hokage, to me he wasn't an old man, no to me... to me he was my Oji-San.'

'Flashback end'
Mikoto's P.O.V.

It was about 4:00 in the morning and every one decided that we needed to get some rest so that we can look for Naruto in the morning. We were all silently praying that he was alright. As we were all about to part ways I felt a searing pain on my wrist. I lifted my sleeve and saw a weird looking tattoo that wasn't their before.

It was a dragon with blue and back markings going in a circle. Like the dragon was trying to eat it's own tail. And towards its head, its two wings were displayed.
(It kinda looks like the ouroboros that the homunculi have in Fullmetal Alchemist and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood)

Unknown to Mikoto is that she wasn't the only one to receive it. All of those that were kind to Naruto, or those that Naruto saw as friends or family received the same dragon symbol on their wrist. They knew it was a bad omen of sorts, but they decided to examine it and question it in the morning.

No ones P.O.V.

As Naruto was having these thoughts unaware to him the sphere was glowing brighter and was growing bigger until it stopped. Then suddenly it started to glow even brighter and was growing bigger at a faster rate.


Naruto's good memories are causing him to grow in power. But another kind of memories are just as if not even more effective.

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