Amassing Darkness

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A/N (Author's Note)
Demon or other speaking

Naruto's P.O.V.

After recovering from the hangover, the rest of the guild explained things to us. How they were no longer the #1 guild in Fiore. How their old guild hall came into possession of another more powerful guild. And especially these "Magic Games" that is done every year.

Master Makarov and Erza left to go and get the old guild hall back. And the rest of us trained. This one kid Romeo was really fond of me. He jumped up and down multiple times when he saw me. He asked me multiple questions that I of course answered. But then he asked that one question.

"Where are the other dragons" he asked. My eyes shot open.....I looked around to see everyone and looking at me. Especially the three that I have come to know as my niece and nephews. I sat still for a long time, then I got up and wandered into the woods. I didn't stop until I reached a small clearing, I laid down and closed my eyes. I felt a nudge and I slowly opened my eyes, it was Wendy. "What are you doing here Wendy" I asked, I looked at the sky and saw the beautiful stars. "Why didn't you answer Romeo's question" she asked me. I remained silent, I lowered my head and looked at my hands.

From the corner of my eyes I saw Wendy sit down right next to me. We sat in a long and torturous silence. "The last time I saw any dragons was at the end of the Dragon King Festival...........and the beginning of the Years Of Blood" I said in a low voice. "I know about the Dragon King Festival, but what is the Years Of Blood" Wendy asked tilting her head. "Many centuries ago when I was still young I met and fell in love with this beautiful dragon" I started slowly. "She was the one to give me my new name Acnologia" I said. "In draconic it meant fearsome but it also means gentle"I said. "We did everything together, after years and years of bonding and spending time together............I decided she was the one" I said tears starting to form in my eyes.

"We eventually married and not to long after, our child was born" I said with a far away look. "A beautiful baby dragon" I said still with a far away look. "But then everything changed........when the humans attacked, they killed our kind without mercy" I said with with a dark tone. "After years of running and hiding, my wife had decided to go and talk to the humans, I tried to talk her out of it, that the humans can't be reasoned with, but she ignored my pleas and went anyway"I said trying to hold back my anger. "She wanted peace between our two races.........but they killed her, they showed no mercy" I said my voice darkening. "Then they came and took my child from me" I said venom practically flowing from my mouth, and tears falling. "That day marked the end of the Dragon King Festival and the beginning of the Years Of Blood" I said calming down. "I slaughtered everything and everyone I laid eyes upon, the only ones that were safe from my wrath were women, and children" I said calmly. "I was no longer her Acnologia..........but Acnologia the dragon of destruction" I said, with tears falling down my face.

"After I calmed down I saw all of the horror, and all of the pain that I had brought" I said with a sad tone. "I left Fiore and I never came back............until now that is"  I said. "I stopped using that name as I did not deserve the name my loving wife had gave me" I said, with new tears forming. "And I would not disgrace that name any Further" I said, my tears falling. "A day doesn't go by where I think of her and my children, a day doesn't go by where I don't hate myself for all of the death, destruction, and pain that I have caused" I said, tears still falling.

"I forgive you" was her reply. My eyes widened and my head immediately turned towards Wendy. "You lost those that were precious to you, and because of that you fell into darkness" she said not looking at me. "But you were able to climb out of the darkness by yourself, you show remorse, you regret what you've done, few can do that and even fewer can admit that they were wrong" she said. "I don't think your a monster, I think that your a good person, or dragon, oh you know what I mean" she said as she looked up and gave me a smile. I could tell by her eyes that she was still sad.......sad that I had not seen her mother. "Wendy come here for a moment" I said, patting the ground next to me with my tail after drying my eyes.

"Do you see all of those stars" I asked, as I looked up at the sky. "Yeah, but what so important about the stars"she asked, looking up at me. "My wife once told me, that those stars represent all of the dragons that have long since passed" I said, still looking at the sky. From the corner of my eye I saw her lower her head. "But do you see that star" I asked, pointing at a very bright star with my finger. She looked up and nodded her head. "My wife also told me that the stars that shined the brightest are the dragons that are still alive" I said, looking down at her. I saw her eyes grow wide and a smile appear on her face. "That could very much be your mother" I said, still looking down at her. "Or that one, or that one, or that one, maybe even that one" I said, looking back at the star filled sky and pointing to the various bright stars. I heard her giggle as I pointed at every bright star I saw and pointed out.

"But do you know the thing that all stars have in common" I asked her, still looking at the sky. "What" she asked, looking up at me. "All those stars are dragons that are watching over you dead or otherwise" I said, looking down at her. After that we just sat there in silence for a few moments. "I think it's time we head back you need to get your sleep" I said, as I got up, I picked her up and placed her on my back. "But yawn I'm not tired" she said, as she nodded off to sleep. 'Maybe this is a new start for me, maybe I don't have to be afraid of my past, I hope that one day I can be worthy to hold that name again' I thought, as I made my way back towards the guild.

?????????????'s P.O.V.

"The island is back and there are no bodies, which means that he survived, and he's still out there".

"I guess I must resort to plan B".

"I must amass my forces".

"No matter how powerful you are dragon, you won't stop me".

"Well better get started".


Naruto has finally begun to open up, he has finally revealed the pent up anger and pain, but it seems that Wendy has relived him of some of that pain.

But who is this mysterious figure and why dose he seem to want Naruto dead.

A/N(there are some Easter eggs in the story, they reference one of my favorite shows and movies, I hope you can find them all).

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