Finding myself

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A/n (Authors note)
Demon or other speaking

Naruto's P.O.V.

'Uuugghhh..... what happened' I wondered. I rubbed my head with my hand when I froze. I took my hand away from my head. I saw that my hand was massive, my skin was black with blue designs on it that went all the way up my arm. I immediately scrambled to find a mirror or something of that kind. I finally stumbled upon a large lake, and I looked at myself.

I was about 40 maybe 50 feet tall. My head was round like with a head crest, I had a set of two long ears on both sides of my head, and I had three wisker like appendages on both sides of my head. I had huge bird like wings. I had a very muscular body, and huge muscular hind legs with five toes. My nails were very sharp, and were the size of swords. I had a long tail with four spikes protruding from the end, one pair of short spikes and one pair of long spikes. My skin was black with blue designs all over. My underbelly was a lightish grey that went from my jaw to the end of my tail.

After getting a good look at myself, I came to the conclusion that I had turned into a giant dragon as a side effect of the sealing process. As I was looking at myself I sensed my chakra and found out my new chakra system was as big as a tailed beast of not bigger. As I was processing this information I suddenly felt a pain in my head.

I grabbed my head and I started to remember what happened. I was attacked by Minato and I got so mad that I just destroyed the whole village. God I feel terrible, I could have killed a lot of good people. Suddenly a thought popped into my mind. 'Oh my God I hope they're all, all right' I thought, my friends and true family popping into my mind. "Relax kit" I heard a voice say. I looked around for the source of the mysterious voice.

I looked around for about 2 maybe 3 minutes. I couldn't find anyone in the area, but as I was about to give up my vision went black. Then I suddenly felt like I was falling, until I hit something. After hitting what I thought was the ground I opened my eyes. When I got up I looked around and saw that I was in a sewer like place. As I was looking around I felt a very powerful chakra signature, however this chakra felt weaker compared to my own. I went in the direction of the powerful chakra signature. After what felt like hours of traveling I finally arrived at a massive cage. I could see nothing inside the cage, then suddenly a giant fox appeared within the cage. The fox was the same size as me maybe a little bit taller, but then again who cares.

"Hello mortal... Why are you not cowering in fear, like the other mortals that have come before me" asked the giant fox in a commanding voice. "I know who you are Kyuubi, although I doubt that's your real name" I said with a calm voice. The Kyuubi was either shocked that I knew who he was and did not fear him, or he was shocked that I had figured out he had a different name. I could not tell which one was the correct one, although it could be both. "And as for the reason that I'm not cowering in fear, I sense the difference in our power, and I think you know that as well" I said calmly.

Some time passed in complete silence until we both bursted out laughing. After we finished laughing we began to talk, and as we talked we slowly but surely began to become friends. The Kyuubi told me of what happened the night of my birth. A masked man called "Madara Uchiha" had snuck into the room were me and my family were held. How he used me as a bargaining chip to get Minato to step away from Kushina. How he kidnapped Kushina, unsealed the Kyuubi, and put the Kyuubi in a powerful genjutsu to control him, and forcing the Kyuubi to destroy the hidden leaf and kill many of innocent people. How his soul/consciousness was sealed inside of me but was forced to remain asleep so to being separated from its powerful chakra. Shortly after that the Kyuubi asked me why I don't have a human appearance. So I told him about my whole life story, the neglect, having to mature at a young age, meeting new people, making new friends, etc. After sharing our stories with we each other we quickly formed a strong friendship. I even opened up to him about my concerns. Of how I could have possibly killed the only people that I saw as friends and family.

Then I asked him a very important question. "What am I exactly, can I be considered a tailed beast" I asked Kyuubi. "No, while you did absorb an insane amount of chakra, which normally would have torn your body apart, your body is still flesh and bone but, you still have the chakra of a tailed beast if not a greater amount of chakra that flows throughout your whole body" Kyuubi explained with his arms crossed and his head down. "What ever I am I'm happy to know that you are here with me on my long journey" I said. After talking to each other some more. We decided that we shouldn't head back to the Elemental Nations, as they would undoubtedly hunt us down and try to be made into a pet. The very thought sent me into a rage. So after some discussing we decided.....

To go towards the West.

Kyuubi and Naruto have finally met and they have decided to travel West. Who will that meet along their way to find a new home. And who will be foolish enough to challenge them.

Naruto The Dragon God (DISCONTINUED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt