Time flies

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A/n (author's note)
Demon or other talking

Naruto's P.O.V.
4 years have passed, and I have gotten closer and closer to my goals. However there were a few mishaps along the way. My siblings would pull pranks on civilians and other shinobi and blame me for it. This would lead to mom and dad punishing me. I tried to tell Jiraiya what was happening but he would yell at me to stop lying.

Over the 4 years Tsunade had returned to the village along with her apprentice and their pet pig. Even she wouldn't believe me but her apprentice Shizune did. I told her not to bring it up with as to not tear them apart.

However their were some terrible times over those 4 years. A good example of this would be the studies incident.


'I was in my room looking over my notes on sealing. When I heard loud and heavy footsteps start ascending the stairs and making their way towards my room. I immediately hid my notes in a secret compartment that I made in my dresser. When I was done hiding the notes my mother came barging into the room and started to yell at me. She then grabbed me by the arm and practically dragged me down the stairs and into the living room. "How dare you steal books from from our studie" she yelled at me. "I didn't steal any books from the studie" I told her in a quiet voice. "ARE YOU BACK TALKING TO YOUR MOTHER" my father yelled at me. "No" I said in an even quieter voice. "Your brother and sister told us that you have stolen books from the studie" my mom said. "But their all in their proper place I haven't stolen any books" I said in a quiet voice. This seemed to have stopped them in their tracks. I thought I had finally won and shown mom and dad that I wasn't doing anything bad. But my hopes were crushed as soon as they appeared. "He must have put them back" said Menma. "YEAH" yelled Naru in agreeing with her brother. Them my parents turned their heads back to me with even angrier faces. "So you tried to lie to us" asked Minato in a very cold but calm voice. "No they're the ones lying" I said with a somewhat confident tone. And thats when it happened. My mother had snapped. She slapped my face so hard that there was a red hand on my face. And she yelled in my face. "DON'T YOU EVER BLAME YOUR SIBLINGS, NOW GO UP TO YOUR ROOM" she yelled with her face a beet red. But the part that really stung, was when I was going up the stairs to my room I heard her mumble under her breath, "I can't believe he's my son" that part really tore me up inside. As soon as I heard her say that I bolted upstairs and into my room, slowly sliding down the door as I started to cry.'

'Flashback end'

That was one of the worse moments of my life so far. After that incident I avoided my.... family for weeks. I would never stay in the same room with them. I would even leave the manor for hours if they were all there. I didn't talk to my sister, brother, Father, and I didn't especially talk to my M-Mother.

After that incident and a few others I had made some great progress. I had finally constructed most of the seal and In fact I just finished it not to long ago. Now all the seal needed to do is to collect and store the nature chakra over time. Which is good as it would allow me to enter into the academy only a year late.

I was so close to achieving my goals of finally being recognized by my family and the village. So I packed up my stuff and proceeded to head back to the manor. As I was walking I noticed the dirty looks the civilians were giving me. And I had just remembered today was my birthday, October 10th.

*5 hours later*

I had spent 5 hours so far at "Menma and Naru's Birthday" party even though it was also my birthday. My brother and sister were given tones of presents. While I received none until my friends and family arrived. Itatchi gave me an fox styled Anbu mask, Mikoto and Fugaku gave me a book on how to stay hidden in plane sight, Sasuke got me an armband with the Uchiha clan symbol and a black belt with the clan symbol as a belt buckle, Nanari gave me a long brown cloak like the one that my favorite book character wears, the ichiraku family gave me a coupon book for their ramen, and sarutobi gave me very big and baggy black shinobi pants along with black Sandals like the ones Jiraiya have. The clan heads were all held up by my parents and accidentally gave their presents for me to my siblings as, Kushina took all the bags and put them in the pile of presents for Menma and Naru. They all shot me apologetic looks I just nodded my head silently telling them that it was ok I understand.

That's when Minato grabbed everyones attention to deliver a message. "Hello everyone and thank you for being here for my children's birthday" Minato said with a loud jovial voice as the crowed clapped and shouted. "I would like to give both Menma and Naru a very special gift" he said in an even louder voice the crowd going crazy. "I am nameing Menma as the Namikaze clan heir and Naru as the Uzumaki clan heir" Minato announced with a loud and happy voice.

Mikoto's P.O.V

As soon as the announcement was over me, my family, the ichiraku family, and Hiruzen turned around to console Naruto. But when we turned around he was gone nowhere in sight. We started to panic and began looking for him all over the place


October 10th went down in history as the day the Kyuubi attacked and slaughtered millions and eventually was defeated.

October 11th will go down in history as the day the Elemental Nations shook.

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