chapter 29 - my team

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The bell on the door jingeled as people walked in. I looked over to see just the people who I was looking for walk in. Emma and Alex. Emma had brought Ryan with her, and she looked... different.

"Kim!" Alex ran over to me, "Can we eat while we talk? I'm STARVING!" 

I laughed at her, "Pizza is being made. You can eat in a matter of minutes."

She sighed and sat down beside me. Emma and Ryan sat across from us. I narrowed my eyes at Emma, "Something is different with you..." Then I heard three little voices. One said Warrior, another said Stir and the last one said Angel. I looked at Ryan, "You're a Stir just like Ella. My friend in Eurpoe." I looked at Emma, "Are you an Angel?"

She nodded.

Alex stood up, "I'm leaving if you tell me what I am."

I laughed, "Fine I won't tell you." She sat back down and I looked back to Emma, "Where are your wings?"

She smiled at me, "They can go back into my back! I love them."

Ryan smiled lovingly at her, "She's my angel."

"Awwe!!!" Alex sighed looking between the two.

I laughed at her childness. "So I have to ask you all something." They all looked at me expectantly, "Acording to the book, I need a team, or... a league. Some group of peopl who I can trust to help me with the creatures of this world until Emerald and Amethyst return."

"So like a government?" Alex asked.

"Kinda." I smiled, "You guys in?"

"Hell to the yes!" Alex screamed putting her hand in the middle of the table.

"Definately," Emma put her hand on Alex's.

"I'm in," Ryan smiled at put his hand on Emma's.

I smiled before putting my hand on the very top, "Then lets do this!"

With did that team thing where all of your hands go down then we shout as they go back up and above out heads. I felt like I could really trust them to help me.

"PIZZA!" Alex screamed. She grabbed a slice before the the waiter had even put it on the table. We all laughed as she bit into the pizza and BAM she was a warrior!

Hahaha that line 'And BAM she was a warrior!' was actually writen by the person who is based off of Alex. I owe it to Taylor for that amazing line. I know I uploaded a chapter already today. But I was in such a mood to write more of this story that I had to do it. :)

I really hope you enjoyed this, don't worry there is one more part!!

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