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As Eva and Kylian got closer and closer Eva became more and more sick, it's like her stomach is turning inside out.

Eva thinks that Kylian doesn't understand that her parents aren't as liner as his parents are. Her parents worked hard to get her into a good uni and getting knocked up in the first semester is like a slap on a wrist.

Eva's POV:

As we got closer to the airport my stomach started turning and I started shaking my leg which Kylian noticed and he put his hand on my knee and giving me reassurance squeeze.

'Everything is gonna be okay, I will support you no matter what.'  He said in English with a deep French accent.
'Thank you' I squeezed his hand back.

We got to the drop off lane and parked in the 30 mins max parking and the second we got out paparazzi swamped us with camera flashes.

'Hold my hand babe' he said putting his hand out making it easy to guide us out the crowd.

As we go into the airport I spotted my mom and brother waiting for their bag, I tried sneaking up on my brother to scare him but he spotted me out.

'GIGI!!!' He shouted giving me a bear hug and picking me up.
'Careful Jax, I'm pregnant remember' I whispered in his ear.
'Sorry I forgot' he said putting me down.

'Hi mom, I missed you' I said with a smile.
'Hi my baby, I missed you so much, you look so beautiful' she said hugging me.
'Thank you, I've been working out a lot.' I said trying to make an excuse.
'And who is this?' She said looking at Kylian.
'Uh this is my boyfriend Kylian, Kylian this is my mom.' I said introducing them to each other.

'Hello Kylian.' She said offering her hand.
'Morning ma'am, how was your flight.' Kylian said shaking her hand.
'Please call my Ms Johnson or Amber.' She said smiling at him.
'And this is my brother,  Jax.' I said facing my brother.
'What's up Kylian, it's nice to meet you.' He said giving him a bro hug.
'Nice to meet you too.' He responded.
'Oh you did great in the World Cup.' Jax said.
'World Cup?' My mom said confused.
'Oh Kylian is a professional famous footballer, he represented France in the World Cup and won' Jax explained to my mom.
'That's impressive' my mom said smirking and giving me a side eye.

After having a 10 minute catch up, we all headed back to the car.

'Mom, Kylian and I wanted you to stay at the house with us, and we wanted to tell you something over dinner.' I said informing her in the car.
'If you insist then I am okay with that, oh and your father said he's sorry for not making it he had an emergency business meeting he had to attend this weekend.' She told us.

*Dinner Time*

As we all sat at the dinner table, we started talking about what was current of going on in our life.
'This is beautiful, thank you for having us, Kylian.' She said eating
'You don't have to thank me, it was no effort.' He said smiling back at her.
'So what's this bug thing you wanted to tell us over dinner.' She said placing her utensils down.
'Soo...um...Kylian and I wanted to announce that we're...' I stuttered trying to stall.
'Spit it out Eva.' My mom said.
'We're expecting.' I spat out.
'Expecting what?' She said looking at me deeply in my eyes trying to figure out what I was trying to say.
'A baby' Kylian backed me.
'WHAT?! WHEN?! HOW?!' She shouted.
'Mom calm down, let her explain herself.' Jax tried to calm her down
'Calm Down?! CALM DOWN?! your sister just told us she pregnant and you're telling ME?! To calm down?!' She said standing up.
'Mom I understand you're mad and you have every right to be but please let me explain?!' I said starting to get defensive.
'Eva, I'm hurt more than angry, your father and I worked so hard to send to the best University in Europe and supported you no matter what and you went and got pregnant in your first SEMESTER?!' She said explaining herself.
'Mom?' I said lost with words
'No Eva, I don't wanna hear it but I will support you no matter what but you're gonna have to make a plan to support this baby, Kylian and you are not even married so he can up and leave so make a plan please, immediately.' She said walking to her room.

My moms words hurt but that doesn't mean she's not telling the truth, I need to make a plan incase Kylian leaves me.

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