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Eva's POV:

I was in the bathroom doing my skincare routine as the words my mom said replayed in my head, she's not wrong, Kylian can leave anytime and it's not like he owes anyone loyalty because we're not dating. He's the most famous footballer in the world and he's career just began.

Kylian can have any girl he wants, supermodels, actors, businesswomen... what makes me so special... and what makes me-

'Eva?' Kylian said walking into the bathroom disturbing my thoughts.
'Yeah?' I said moisturising my face and turned around to look at him.
'Are you okay?' He said pulling me closer.
'Yeah I'm fine, I'm just tired.' I lied
'So I have been thinking, maybe we should go away for awhile just to relax and get away from reality.' He said with his heavy French accent
'I can't leave right now, Kylian, I have school and I need to find a place for myself and the baby' I said walking away
' Wait what?!' He said following me
'You and I are not together, I need to have a plan Kylian, what if you leave me or cheat what am I supposed to do count on your child support!!' I shouted at him
'Eva I'm not gonna fuck this up, I wouldn't ever want to do that to you.' He said trying to calm me down

In that moment I felt conflicted, my mom had gotten into my head yet again she always does this and on the other hand Kylian was trying to show that he actually cares.

'Eva, I know we've been moving fast and I get your worried and frustrated but we're having a baby together.' He said holding my hands
'I'm sorry for blowing up in your face, it's just that-' I said before he cut me off
'Listen it's okay, I get it and I'm here for you, I will always be here for you' he said kissing me.

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