★Chapter 32★

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-Later That Night-

Jenna's Pov

"Ready to go?" I feel arms wrap around my waist. It's Shawn.

"Yup." I smile at him through the mirror. Dad, Leigh, Ariel, Shawn and I are all going out tonight to some new restaurant. Leigh said it was good.

"Everyone's waiting in the car." Shawn says and we walk out to the rental car. I walk over to dad's new truck.

"We'll follow y'all there." I say.

"Ok, see y'all there." Leigh says. I quickly walk over to the car and get in the driver's side. I start the car and pull out and follow them.


"How many?" A girl, maybe 16 ask.

"5." Leigh answers. "We had reservations under Bryan."

"Ah yes, this way." She smiles at us and we all follow her toward the back. The place is pretty big and nice. I feel Shawn take my hand as we sit down. On one side is dad and Leigh; Shawn and I are on the other and Ariel is sitting in high chair at the end of the table.


"C'mon lets go dance." Shawn pulls me out to the large dance floor in the center of the restaurant where we see other couples dancing.

"Ok?" I say, but it comes out as a question because Shawn never wants to dance. I place my hand on his shoulder, his arm goes around my waist and with our other hands, we hold hands. 'I Don't Dance' by Lee Brice is playing.

Soon the after dancing to the song, it ends.

"Will you sit here?" Shawn ask. I turn around and see a seat sitting behind me.

"Sure?" I question. He gives me a smile and I sit. I see Leigh, dad and Ariel come by the dance floor. Everyone else does too. Someone hands Shawn a guitar. I hear a familiar toon. It's 'Just The Way You Are'. Shawn always sings this to me when I'm upset. He starts singing.

As the song comes to an end, Shawn comes to me.

"Jenna Brooke Bryan. We have been through tons of ups and downs. We've been through laughter and crying. You've seen me at my weakest points and my strongest points, and I've seen you at your weakest and strongest points. You are the most beautiful, most smart, funniest, nicest, the list could go on and on of things but I'll stop there. I want to have a family with you and a house. Anyways I'm going to get to the point now." He says and gets down on one knee as tears brim at my eyes. "Will you be my one and only and be Mrs. Mendes?" He pulls a black box out of his pocket. All I can do is nod quickly.

"Yes a million times yes." I finally say and stand up to hug him. Tears are streaming down my face. We pull apart and he slips on the ring. I grab his face and kiss him passionately.

"She said yes!" Shawn says after we break apart and I laugh. Everyone cheers and dad, Leigh and Ariel run over to us. "Thank you for letting me marry your daughter."

"I wouldn't want anyone else too." Dad says and I smile.

"Thank you." I hug dad.

"All I want is for my baby to be happy." He tells me.


Hey! Don't worry the story isn't over yet! Also the next few chapters, which will be the last few, will be like a few years later. Next chapter you will have to find out what it is.


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