race you guys back.

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Gabriella POV

I turn to jaxon smirking because I know we are thinking the same plan. We get on the back of all are bikes and strap our helmets on. I put mine then looked at jaxon that was on my right giving him a nod and doing our hand shake. I look to the left to see Brandon glaring at me through his helmet.

Oh hes so going to regret this as I look straight ahead. We didnt have a person to shout go so we just went by the the next bird flying out. We saw the bird leave and that when the rushed happened.

We all took off. It was head and head with me and Brandon and jaxon. But Ethan was catching up. Soon it was me and jaxon in lead and brandon and Ethan close behind us. We are approaching a sharp turn I look at jaxon and we both nod at each other signaling us to do our plan.

We both get in front of Brandon and Ethan. Me bring in front of Ethan and jaxon confront of Brandon we come to the turn making sure the dirt clouds are big and foggy. Me and jaxon make it pass the turn like nothing we just had to go straight down from here and we win. I look behind me to see E catching up. Lol not on my case I make sure to block him so hes not able to cut in front of me.

Jaxon is way ahead of us and it looks like he crosses the line first I come up right behind him while Brandon and Ethan are coming in last but least I slide at the end of the track taking off my helmet. Still sitting on my bike looking at the guys. I hug and do my hand shake with jaxon.

Then get off to hug brennen. He congrats me on jaxon on winning while we all walk towards Brandon and ethan.

"Does eating your words taste good guys?" I ask them Brandon just glares at me and Ethan does the same look.

"You cheated not fair I demand a rematch"

"I didnt cheat I'm just a little bit more than you at this sport brother" I say to him walking towards him to hug him.

"We are so rewatching you won this time but you wont be winning for long little sister" he says hugging me back I just laugh because hes really competitive with this sport especially since he did get sign to a pro dirt bike team.

I look at E and hes just amazed by me and jaxon that we won.

"What happened cat got your tongue from all the smack talking you were talking?" I say playfully towards E he just laughs and smirks.

"Yah I doubted you and you made me eat my words this time little one next time it wont be like that for long just remember that" he says bringing me into a big long hug.

I laugh because these guys are really never going to leave me alone ever. I'm pulled out of thoughts when I feel someone tapping me. I turn to see its brennen saying the guys head inside to change are you gonna stand here all day or you ready to go home and eat missy.

I smack his shoulder playfully hugging him while walking to my dirt bike until he takes it away from me walking it instead of me. He motions me towards the door so I can change and grab my things I nod and walk away from my bike allowing him to put it away for me.

I walk to my locker setting Brandon's phone and keys on the beach. Then grabbing my duffle bag and going to the bathroom to wash my body so I wont smell as bad. After I get out I look in my bag to see what I have thank God I brought extra clothes which was a black and white Adidas sweatshirt with black Adidas leggings and white Adidas running shoes. I walk out to see the guys waiting for me as I grave my phone and keys from my backpack.

"Alright who's riding with me and who's going to get food cuz I'm tired and hungry"

"You take jaxon and brennen I'll take E with me you guys drive back to the house and well get food to make something and the $300 that we owe you guys will be given to you guys at dinner alright break" Brandon says not even giving us time to say anything.

I throw my keys to jaxon since I dont want to drive and hes the only other person beside me and Brandon to have driven my car. I then through my bag in the trunk and get in passenger seat waiting for jaxon to start driving. As we are driving I began to fall asleep next thing you know I'm out.

Brandon POV

I sent jaxon and brennen home with Gabriella because she looked really tired and stressed out a bit but shell be fine I know she will. Me and Ethan go to the bank to pull out $300 each for them of course they won fair and square. We then go to the store deciding what to make since we lost in the race.

We decided on bbq we get all the ingredients and chips and sodas making sure to bring G favorite Arizona and teas so she can relax with everything we are going to find out.

We also buy some beer and drinks considering today was Friday the start to spring break and too are big party we have been planning for about a year now. We get to the check out I pay for it after I got done with Ethan and I arguing about who's should pay. We get back in the car to head home it was about a 35 minute drive.

"You really care about her huh?" I ask E


"G you really care about her dont you?"

"I care about her but not in that way"


"Its true I would never be able to be in relationship with her because I see her as my little sister nothing more nothing less." He says

"I believe you bro but dont be stupid and have her fall for you the poor girl is going through alot and has enough to deal with already she doesnt need to go full depressed on me if you do something to hurt her. I'll hurt you."

He agrees and we cut the conversation off while we had 3 mintues before we were back home. I see that her car is in the garage I park my car getting off and opening the trunk to grab the food we are going to make.
I know jaxon put G up in her room to sleep reason why I s3ent jaxon and brennen with her instead of me because she needed to be watch and jaxon would need to help her relax more.

I go outside begin setting up the grill and putting the beer into the fridge outside since G hates to have it inside unless it's in the game and movie room. While E and jaxon and brennen are inside cutting up up the fruits and vegetables.

After about an hour or so food is almost ready so I walk up stairs to wake up G.

"Hey Gabriella the foods almost done start waking up." I say as I shake her.

"Five more minutes" she says tossing over to the other side.

"G take all the time you want but we are guys the food will be all gone by the time you wake up." That wakes her up really fast.

"Okay okay I'm up" she says.

"Alright good food is done come down stairs whenever your ready."

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