the big secret part 2

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Brandon POV

"Is this seriously all true can he be lying to us can my own cousin jaxon be lying to us as well? There were so many thoughts running through my head right now" as I'm taking this all in with my elbows on my thighs and my hands holding my head up as I look at the ground. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn to see who it was and it was jaxon. The closet cousin I have.

"Jaxon is this all true?" I look at him he just nods his head.

"How come you never told me?"

"Bro trust me there has been times were it has almost slipped out and I told you but alpha orders I couldn't tell you he had to be the one to tell you." He says taking a seat next to me.

"Look I know its alot to take in but you and Gabriella are the most powerful people in are kind other than the king and queen but you guys had to know trust me it's not as scary it it looks and me and guys are here to help you through this we arent as scary as you may think." He says putting his hand on my shoulder for reinsurance. I look at him in the eye knowing I could trust him.

"Alright bro but I have alot of questions but what do we do about Gabriella?" That's when E and the rest of the guys step in.

"We knew it would be alot for her. So well let you guys take in tonight then hopefully by tomorrow night it has soacked in enough that shell come around to hear us out and see your guys new part of life with us. As of now I think shes doing okay shell be fine Brandon but you should probably make sure of that because if we go in there shell just push us away and that's the opposite of what we want her to do." E says to me.

Hes right I need to make sure shes okay.

"I'll go check on her you guys can go to the game room or do whatever" I say walking towards the house. I go to her bedroom that's two doors down from mine knocking on at first to make sure she not changing or anything.

"Gabriella it's your twin open up" I say knocking on the door. "Please I just want to be there for you I know you need a hug and best friend right now so do i" I tell her which causes her to open up but not all the way.

"Come on Gabriella it's just me no guys just me" I say spinning in a circle. She opens the door let's me in then closes it locks it then we go onto the roof are twin spot.

I follow her up there and sit right beside her pulling her into a side hug. Rubbing her shoulder as she cries for a bit longer.

"You okay G?"

"No I'm not Brandon how can all this be true like the guys are crazy this cant be true and if it is true why didnt our parents tell us instead of running away to not have to deal with us like why Brandon why do we have to deal with this?" She asks I pull her into a hug again clamming her down.

"Gabriella I know its alot to take in I know I'm barely handling all this new information as well but we cant let this get the best of us G who knows this gift can be the greatest thing that has ever happened to us since they left. We just have to handle this together." I say pulling her out of the hug to look her straight in the eyes.

"Look Gabriella I'm not going anywhere the guys arent as well but I was talking to them and they will tell us more about all this but as of now they are letting us soak in all this information they'll explain more along the way they arent leaving and neither am i" I say bringing her into a hug and kissing the top of her head.

"I promise baby sister I promise"

Ethan POV

The door to the bed room was locked I thought they fall asleep but it turns out G is just the only one that was asleep Brandon's was closing the door from the balcony and covering Gabriella with her cover telling me to shh and pushing me out of her room turning of the light and closing the door behind him.

"I'm sure she wont go to school tomorrow so we are all going to stay home tomorrow alright?" I tell Brandon so he can tell his coaches about practice.

"Sure just let me text our coaches that we are dealing with something and wont be able to make it to the first practice tomorrow" Brandon tells me. As we head downstairs to figure out who sleeping where considering I dont want to leave them alone in this big house alone.

Brandon POV

The guys dont want to leave so we are deciding on who's sleeping where since this house is so big.

"We have three extra rooms open theres the two inbetween mine and G bedroom then theres the guess bedroom down here so you are able to take any bedroom you like too." I tell the guys. After telling them they begin to argue.

"I'm alpha so I choose where you all sleep"

"But this is where we are sleeping we should decide where we sleep not you"

"But I'm smarter and stronger so i choose were you sleep"

"You may be alpha but your not choosing where i sleep"

"Am too"

"Are not"

"Am too"

"Are not"
Is all I hear for about 30 mintues Ive just had enough of who's stronger smarter bullshit so I cut in.

"Shut up already okay I'll choose were you guys sleep since this is my house and i cant leave you guys to decide where to sleep alright?"

They nod in agreement.

"Alright the bedroom closet to mine will be Ethan, the bedroom closet to Gabriella will be brennen, the bedroom down here will be jaxon, and as for Jake and nathan you guys can decide on your own considering you too arent the complaining."

"Hey that's not fair" Ethan Brennen and jaxon say in usion

"Guess what it is because you guys couldn't decide for yourself and these two weren't even arguing like 10 years old over the xbox controller" I say to them as I'm walking upstairs to my room to get some sleep but before I head towards my room I check on Gabriella first to make sure she alright.

What a day it has been I think to myself closing her door and walking towards my room shutting the door behind me.

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