where do i begin?

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Gabriella POV

Spring breaks are the one to remember however, I wish that this spring would have never have happened. Hi My name is Gabriella Bella Brooks. I'm 17 years old almost 18, I forest greens eyes and long dark brown hair. Also a senior in high school along with my twin brother Brandon Aleczander Brooks that also has brown hair but just a lighter shade of green eyes.

Me and my brother are the most well known twins on campus do to me begin on soccer and volleyball team. As to my brother that had more of that bad boy reputation but he was also on the football and soccer team. It's a few days before spring break it's also a few days before our 18th birthday.

Who ever knew that this spring break would be one that I hoped I would never want to remember, but knew I would because there was no way in changing what had already happen.

"Gabriella hurry up we are going to be late" I heard my twin yell at me from down stairs

"I'm comin, I'm comin" I say rushing down the stairs with my volleyball bag hanging off my shoulder.

"Took you long enough"

"Oh shush like you dont take forever sometimes" I tell him as I brush pass him to get a water and apple.

"True but still you took forever also are you riding with me or what because I know you have a game today" he said as he getting his phone and keys off the table before heading towards the door.

"I was hoping you wouldn't mind me riding with you today baby bro. Is that cool with you?" I say as I step outside the door with him trailing right behind me.

"One dont call me baby bro and two it's cool but what time does your game end today? I'm probably busy after school so I needa know what time it ends."

"One I'm older so I can call you baby bro and two it ends at 8:30" I tell him walking to his car still not sure if I'm riding with him or not.

"Forsure yah you can" he says as hes getting in his car while I stand there. "Umm Gabriella are you going to get in or just stand there?"

"Yah sorry got a little distracted" I say getting into his white with black rims and red interior gt350 2019 mustang.

"The usual distracted G before a game day"

"Yah yah that's me. Just drive so we wont be late yah?" I say as he pulls out of the drive way off to school we go.

As he pulled into the schools parking lot people turn to look at his car as he park front and center in his usual parking spot I would normally park next to him but I didnt drive today. We both get out at the same time still having everyone's eyes on us.

"Theres are favorite pair of twins we know and love" brennen says to us as he throwing his arm over my shoulder.

"Shut up brennen we are the only twins you know" as I'm gesturing him to get his arm off me within the next 3 second before he loses it.

"Why does she have game face on today bro? Did you not feed the girl we all know she will kill someone when she's hungry. Did you feed the girl or not?" I just laugh at him for a moment because hes so scared of me.

"brennen we both know I can kill just by looking at you but for your information I did eat an apple so I'm not gonna kill anyone but it is game day so game face on sucker kiss my ass"

"I would love too" I took the chance and smacked him, but He not only gets a smack from me but from Brandon as well along with the death glare.

"Theres no ass kissing my sister, shes twin bro shes off limits. That goes to all you horny ass dogs as well alright?"

"Alright" the guys in the group say all in unison.

"Enough damage is done here I'll see you guys letter gotta swing by my locker" I say walking away from them and into the school hallway. I put in my headphones and start my playlist because its game day and Im to focused right now. I make it to my locker. I switch out the books from yesterday and grab the ones for today.

As I finsihing up switching my books out. I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist slowly turning me around to face them. All I can do was smacked whoever this is because everyone knows not to touch me especially on games days but little did I know it would end up being my best friend Ethan.

"Damn shawty you have on hell of a smack still" he said laughing and looking at me.

I couldn't help it but jump onto him hugging him basically to death. Then after a few mintues of just standing there hugging him I get off of him.

"Wow someone missed me alot"

"Who wouldn't you left with no explanation" I smack him on his arm this time.

"I know I've got alot of explaining to do to you and the group but right now isnt the time G I'll explain later." He says as hes pulling me back into a hug.

I see Brandon and the group walking towards us. "Ethan 9 o'clock the group is here" I say as I'm getting out of the hug.

"Gab....Who is this Gab..." Brandon says as Ethan turns around "no fuckin way bro your back wth this isn't real."

"Oh its real" I say closing my locker and picking up my bags of the floor.

"You have alot of explaining to do later mister as of now I got to go to class and get ready for the game, well talk later" I say to the group as I walk off into the crowded hall way.

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