omg you're back?

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Brandon POV

Me and Gabriella get to school are getting out of the car when our friend group comes up to us. We were all talking til brennen being brennen said something stupid which made me and my sister smack him.

"Theres no ass kissing my sister, shes twin bro shes off limits to any of you horny ass dogs alright?"

"Alright" the group said in unison agreeing with me.

I think they all know they are dead if the pull a move on her. Gabriella left inside the school already while I waited til 15 mins pass to start walking into school. I walk down the hallway to check on Gabriella when I see her hugging someone. I couldn't see who she was hugging. Whiched pissed me off because it's my twin you have too go through me before getting to her. My over protective twin brother mood kicks in as I walk closer to her and this guy.

"Gab....Who is this Gab..." Brandon says as Ethan turns around "no fuckin way bro your back wth this isn't real."

"Oh it's real" I hear Gabriella say. I pull Ethan into a bro hug.

"Wth happened to you E everyone thought you were dead or something" I say pulling out of the hug.

"I know I know alot of explaining to do but brandon this isnt the place or right time to talk about it. I'll explain after the game tonight alright?" He tells me I agree because I know hes right but I couldn't help but wonder why he couldnt just say it now. But I shrugged it off and went to class.

Ethan POV

I knew returning to my hometown would bring alot of questions as to why I left a year ago with no trace of me. Today was the first time I've been back here. It feels good to be back home around everything I grew up around and people I've known for ages. It feels good, the first people I go to make my appearance noticeable too is my old friend group with the twins G and Brandon.

And as I expected it I did get smacked from G and almost attacked by Brandon remembering how protective he is of his twin sister. I walk to the main office to find out my schedule and where my locker is hopefully I still have the same locker where my boys lockers are.

"Hello welcome to East High School" the office lady says to me as I walk into the office.

"Hi um I'm Ethan and I'm here to register for school again" I say kinda nervous looking at the mid 40's looking lady.

"ahh okay so what your going to do is fill out these papers sign here here and here and then well get you a schedule and a locker" she says to me looking at me strangely like she has seen me around before.

"Okay cool I'll get these done right away thank you" I sit down fill out the paper just a few questions nothing major.

"Here ya go" I say to her

"Thank you alright it will just be a moment" she says taking the clipboard from my hand still looking at me strangely.

"Wait excuse me sir your name is Ethan Miller?"

"Yes it is"

"Is there in anyway you are related to the multibillionaire Jonathan Jake Miller?"

Shit is all I can think about was lie to her because she cant know no one cant know at least for now but play it off is what I say to myself.

"Haha um no actually I just moved here from out of town. I wish Jonathan Jake Miller was someone I was related too but surely enough I'm afraid I'm not" I say as politely as I can.

"Oh my apologies sir" she says looking back at her computer screen putting all of the information into the system. I sit patiently scrolling through my Instagram waiting for my classes to be given to me.

"Ethan R. Miller" I hear my name called back to the front so I turn off my phone grave my things and walk to her.

"Yes ma'am"

"Well it looks like we have to wait for your transcripts to be transferred over here from your old school which should take about the rest of the day but I'm afraid you cant start school today but you can grab books that you'll need and put them in your locker" she tells me ugh I really wanted to start today but I guess I cant.

"Um alright can i have a pass to be on campus so i can find my locker and get the books I'll need then?"

"Yes sure let me write you one" I wait politely for my pass to be on campus.

"Here ya go you shouldn't have any problems" I nod and grave my things and head towards my locker.

Locker 218 it reads looks like I still got my locker I say to myself. Opening it up to shove my books in there. Looking around the hallway theres so many memories coming back to me. I shut my locker close knowing that class was going to be out soon walking fast as ever towards the office.

It was to much to take in I say bye to the office lady. Head out towards my 2016 Nissan GTR that's all dark gray with black window tent and black rims while the inside is black with light gray. I start it up and head towards the forest to my spot to let lose a spot no one knows about or my secret.

I park my car hidden in the forest and begin to walk for a bit trying to clam down my anxiety that wasnt working so I had to run. I run as fast as I could shifting in mid air this is what I needed. I needed this. After about a four hours I noticed that the sun was going down meaning Gabriella game was over soon.

I get back to my car open the trunk to get the extra clothes I kept in there for moments like these. I change, get into the drivers seat sitting for a moment catching my breath and fixing my hair. Before starting my baby up driving back towards the school. knowing that where the twins will be for G's game. I need to talk to them tonight i think to myself it has to be done before it's to late.

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