Illusion- Quentin Beck (Mysterio)

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Credits to owner: lotsoffandomimagines on tumblrWarnings: far from home spoilers!!! and angst(?)Wordcount: 875

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Credits to owner: lotsoffandomimagines on tumblr
Warnings: far from home spoilers!!! and angst(?)
Wordcount: 875

The reader is a shield agent who works with Nick Fury and after they start to work with Mysterio. Eventually a little romance sparks up between the two but all the lies, will it last?

You met Quentin Beck at the same time Fury did in Mexico since you were one of the only shield agents left. Ever since then you've spent a lot of time with the new superhero so you could stop these things that he called elementals. It would be a lie to say that the two of you haven't become close. In fact, your relationship had developed into somewhat romantic. A perfect example of this would be the exchange you shared before he went to fight the last of the elementals, the fire one. The man rewarded you with a kiss, just in case he didn't make it back. You couldn't remember the last time your heart fluttered so much.

It was starting to seem like your love story wouldn't last though, much to your dismay. You were heading to Berlin tomorrow and despite Fury's offer, you weren't sure if Quentin was going to tag along. Your hope would be restored when Quentin showed up at the hotel room you were staying in. "Mr Beck" you greeted, trying not to sound too excited to see him. "As always your timing is impeccable. I just finished packing my bags. So what can I do for you?".

"You know you don't have to call me Mr Beck anymore, especially after the moment we shared a few hours ago" he reminded you, causing your cheeks to heat up. "Quentin is fine" the man continued with a warm smile. "As to what you can do for me, you can stay here, with me I mean". A sigh left your lips. Regrettably you were about to inform him that wasn't possible but he cut you off. "I know what you're going to say and I get it but if you just let me show you something I think that you might change your mind".

Finding it hard to refuse him, you ultimately agreed to allow Quentin to show you whatever he was talking about. A few moments later, after Quentin had lead you through the European streets you found yourself in a secret base of some sort. "Quentin... what is this?" You asked. Thanks to your experience working with Nick Fury, you've learned when to identify when you were in a bad situation and right now all your alarm bells were going off.

"Don't say anything, I just want you to watch" he replied. Confused, you watched as Quentin retrieved a device and turned it on. Seconds later it projected something, an image, an image that looked all too familiar. It was an exact replica of the wind elemental you had already defeated... or maybe it wasn't a duplicate. Perhaps it was the same thing. "I know what you're thinking" said Quentin once he turned the device off. "It's amazing right? I created it of course. I needed to make things for myself to fight of I want to be the next Iron-Man".

At first you couldn't muster any words. All you could do was stare at him with your mouth ajar. After a few minutes, based on what you had just witnessed you were able to put things together. "You made them up. The elementals, all of it was a lie. All those monsters were illusions you created" you said, taking a few steps away from him. "All that destruction in those cities was your doing. None of it was real... were the feelings I thought you had for me fake too?".

"No! No [Y/N] of course not. Why do you think I'm showing you all this?" Quentin replied, his usual charming tone being replaced by something that sounded almost crazed. "I trust you and I want you to join me. I have a whole team helping me and you can be apart of it. The world needs a new superhero and with you on my side it can be me".

Your head was spinning. This was far too much for you to process. He had been the enemy the whole time and you let yourself fall for his hallucinations. Not only that but you let this sinister man steal your heart. How could you be so foolish? You were so ashamed of yourself that tears began to form in your eyes. One thing you knew for sure was that you wanted to leave. So without saying a word you turned around with a look of horror on your face and took off. All the while Quentin was yelling to you, begging you to return to him. "[Y/N], come back! I love you. Do you hear me? I love you!".

You know what the worst part of all of this was? Not that Quentin was a liar and a fraud. No, the worst part was that you partially believed him. Something about the desperation in his voice was able to convince you that he cared. Maybe if you were a little dumber you'd run back to him because terribly enough you still had feelings for him too but you couldn't allow yourself to become so weak that you'd do such a thing. You simply couldn't.

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