Chapter 23

443 7 3

September 8 1965

Dallas POV
Today was baby and lollipops funeral.
The people who are going to the funeral aren't that many, it is only the gang, and Casey.

Each one of us got to put a flower in baby and lollipops coffin. The gang and Casey each said a Speech. Right now it's my turn.

"Where do I begin. When I met baby I fell in love. It might of not seemed like it but I did. Babygirl is a gorgeous, goofy, cute, annoying but cute, she was my happiness in life. She was one of the people who made me smile. I really do love her. It breaks my heart just thinking of her not being with me everyday, we would talk, play games, watch movies, and beyond that." I took a breath and continued " Steve you don't know how jealous I was of you. You got to kiss, touch, be with babygirl rose blue. You don't know how much I wanted to kiss her. When you broke her heart, I broke your face. But that day. I will remember forever. That girl turned me soft. I was crazy for her. When she would kiss my cheek or hold my hand or even hug me. I would melt. She always told me that i had an amazing smile and then she would make me smile. I know its real cheesy but it's true. I love babygirl, but I was too late." A tear dropped from my eye
"I know some most of you guys remember the day. A little princess arrived at the Curtis house. Well I do that little girl screamed bloody murder when she saw Darry and I. She told baby i looked to mean. I mean I do." I lightly chucked and so did everyone else
"One day mrs, blue told me to take care of lollipop for the day, because she had work and I needed the cash. That day, lollipop broke down my walls. She was what I lived for. I was really close with her. Lollipop was so beautiful, and she still is, her big blue crystal eyes would always look at me, and i would soften up. She was real smart too. Once we were walking around town, and she started walking weirdly, and she saw this little kid and spit in the kids face. I asked her why she doing that? She said that I always do that, and she antes to be like me. I told her not be like me, I told her to be just like babygirl. That was when she started being so much more nicer. Everyday I would take her to her dance class, and she would try showing off her spins. I would smile and she would hug me cause she knew that when I smiled, that meant she either did an outstanding job, or that I just love her.
Darry when you yelled at that little girl. She thought you didn't love, but deep down. I knew that she knew you didn't mean it." I sighed
"The day lollipop almost lost her life, it hurt a lot, but what hurt more was watching baby cry and break down. The next day the hospital told me that lollipop was okay but she was in a coma. I was happy So was everyone else. But when I saw lollipop on that hospital bed. She looked dead. But I knew she wasn't." Tears started forming in my eyes but I blinked them away. "Last week, was filled with pain. When baby told us that lollipop died. I lost it. I couldn't anymore. Lollipop was what I lived for but I also lived for babygirl. But I couldn't handle it. I robbed a store. Guns went off and babygirl collapsed on the ground. That broke me truly, baby's last words when I held her in my arms were 'I always loved you' my heart shattered into billions of pieces. Babygirl died in my arms. I yelled and cried for at least that rest of the week. I really loved both of them with all my heart, they are in a better place now, we'll hats what I keep telling my self. Well thank you. I don't know I've never done one of these." I put my roses on baby and lollipop coffin and sat back down.

Babygirl and lollipop were Buried next to each other. After we left the cemetery, we all went back to the Curtis houses.

Everyone was quiet. And sad.
"Guys I know we are all sad, but I know babygirl and lollipop are looking down at us right now, and they are saying, why the fuck are they like that. You guys know both of them would want us to move on." I said standing up.
They all nodded.
"Okay let's go to the dingos." I said, they all said yes and we did.

We kept going.

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