Chapter 11

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July 7 1965

Babygirl's POV
"No problem" I smiled and took her into a cabin.

"Here let me turn on the bath" I went to the bathroom and she followed me. I touched the water and it was warm.
"Okay, the water is ready if you need help I'll be in the living room." I told her
"Can you stay with me" her eyes were all sad so I sat on the toilet seat.
"You got it" I smiled

She played in the water and she was the cutest thing ever and she also had a wild imagination.
I grabbed a towel that was in a cabinet.
"You done Sofia" I opened the towel
"Yes" she stood up and I wrapped her in the towel
"You look like a wrapped burrito" I laughed
She giggle back
"Okay her you can wear my shirt. I know it might be big but it will work for now." I slipped on a T-shirt and she wore it like a dress.
"Okay we have to go into town to get you clothes and to get food." I carried her and put her on my hip.
"Baby is this were you live?" She asked me
I sighed and said "no, I don't I ran away for a little bit." I looked down.
"Where are we going to buy clothes?" Her eyes lit up
"Well lets go see." I opened the door and started walking.

We finally made it to town. I honestly didn't want to see any of my friends, or family. All I wanted was Steve but he left. Now I have Sofia.

We went to the grocery store and i sat Sofia in a cart.
"Let's see. What do you want for dinner Sofia?" I asked her
"Anything I'm starving and call me lollipop" she smiled
"Okay lollipop." I smiled back. I grabbed some Mac and cheese, water, cereal, milk, bread, oatmeal, strawberry's, bananas, and chips.
I went to pay and I saw a familiar face. It was two-bit and ponyboy. I ducked down that way they couldn't see my face.
"What are you doing?" Lolli asked me
"Oh um my food it hurts" I fake smiled
"Miss you are next" the cashier told me
"Sorry bout that" I grinned
She scanned everything and the total was 10 dollars. I checked my pockets and I found a 100 dollar bill. I have it to the cashier and she gave me back $90.
"Thank you" She said smiling. I put everything back in the cart and I kinda stole the cart because I couldn't carry everything.
"Next the mall" I smiled at lolli
"Yayy!" She squealed

We finally made it to the mall. We went to this little kid store and I bought her under wear, dresses, pants, shirts, sweaters, shoes, a hair brush, and some toys.
"That will be $50" the women said
"Here you go" I have her 50 dollars and we left.

After a really long walk to the cabin. We went inside, and I made dinner.
"Okay here are your Mac and cheese" I put a plate in-front of her and she ate it all.
"Want more" I asked her
"Yes" She said
"Magic word" I said raising my eyebrows
"Please"She said jumping
"Here you go Lolli" I put a bit more in her plate and she Ate it. I ate my plate and sat down on the couch. Lolli sat next to me.
"Baby How is your family like and your friends" Lolli asked me.
"Oh they are wonderful."I said smiling at the thought of my family
"How wonderful?" She asked sitting on my lap.
"Well for a fact I know they will love you" I said booping her noise.
She giggled
"Well I have a friend called two bit and he loves Mickey and Minnie Mouse and my friend Sodapop will love to play with you, and Darry he will have so much fun cooking with you and singing, and ponyboy he will love reading bed time story's to you and play with you, Johnny will love to play with you too, and Dallas well I don't know Dallas will probably secretly play with you and treat you like a princess, and Steve well Steve will love you like I do." I smiled at her as I told her about the gang.
"Really! When are we going to see them?" She has a smile on her face that was so big.
"We aren't seeing them anytime soon" I said looking down
"Why?" She asked me
"Well let me tell you a story." I smiled
"Yay" She said hugging her teddy bear
" once upon a time, there was a princess and she moved from Spain to Tulsa, the princess met all these new people and she became friends with them. She loved being with them, she had so much fun. One day this evil king for the princess and hurt her really bad. After weeks the princess escaped the evil kings prison, and she found her best friend that was a prince. The prince took her to the hospital and took care of her. But the prince had this mean princess that he was with, but he also cared about the nice princess. The princess and her family went home on her birthday, and the princess got to see her sister after many years, after she had a birthday party with her family. The next day the princess heard a lot of yelling and doors slamming, and when she went down stairs the prince was gone and she loved the prince and he didn't say bye to her, the princess never knew when he was going to come back or if he will ever come back. The princess cried a lot and drank some magic drink that made her crazy and sad. Then her friends took care of the princess, but the princess wanted the prince because she loved him so much but no body understood her, so she ran away. And well now she is telling you the story." I said
"You are the princess" she said looking at me with her sad eyes
"Who is the prince?" She asked me
"Well the prince my prince is Steve Randle" I smiled
"Is that why we aren't going to meet your friends tomorrow?" She asked me
"Yeah well we are going to stay here for about 2 weeks okay" I said touching her cheek
"Okay" She said
"Time for bed" I tickled her and she laughed.
"Okay come on" I grabbed her hand and we went to the bedroom.
"Good night Sofia" I said
"Good night baby" she hugged me and stayed like that. We both fell into a deep sleep.

Sodas POV
I went to the DX and Steve wasn't there I was so sad that he wasn't here. I missed him, I wonder where he is?
"Hey there ponyboy" I smiled
"Is steve back?" Pony asked
"No" I sighed
"He will come back" Two said patting my back
"We saw this girl that looked like babygirl but she had a kid with her. It was probably my mind cause she squatted down when we looked at her." Pony said scratching his head.
Dally and Johnny ran through the door, catching their breaths.
"B-Baby" Johnny tried saying
"She... ran.... away.... this morning... and now... we don't know where she is" Dally said in between breaths
"Ponyboy that must of been Baby" two said looking at pony boy
"What do you mean?" Johnny said
"We went to the grocery store and we saw a girl just like baby but she had a kid with her." Pony told Dally
"Was she wearing overalls and a big shirt"Dallas said grabbing ponyboys shoulders
"Yeah" Pony said nervously
"That was Baby! Where'd she go!" Dallas yelled
"Dally chill we will find her" I told him
"We can't lose her again." Dallas punched the wall
"We will find her but let's find Steve first." I said
"You haven't found Steve! Did you look everywhere?" Dally yelled again
"Yeah" I said getting a bit mad
"Did you check his house?" Johnny said quietly
"No, he never goes there" I told them
"You are as dumb as a donkey soda." Pony said shaking his hand on his head
"Why am I dumb" I said frustrated
"Because, no one will fo look at his house. Idiot." Dally said smacking my head
"Let's go guys" I said.

We all ran to Steve's house, we knocked on the door and we just heard a bunch of groans.
"It's open!" I heard Steve yell
I opened the door and we all went in. If smelled like a bar. Literally.
"Heyyy! Soda" Steve said smiling
"You drunk bud?" two said laughing
"Nope just sober" Steve said sighing
"Baby ran away and we don't know where" Dally spit out
"WHAT?!" Steve yelled
"We have to find her!" Steve yelled again
"We saw her at the grocery store but she had a kid with her" pony said
"Who's kid?" Steve asked
"We don't know" Two said
"Well let's find her" Steve walked out of his house and we followed.

We looked for her all day but couldn't find her. We called it a day and we went home to get some rest for our search tomorrow.


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