Chapter 6

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The gang^^^^

July 3 1965

Steve's POV
We haven't found babygirl in weeks and it's her birthday tomorrow. I miss her. I miss her laugh, her smile, her kindness, her small accent that is almost gone, her goofiness, I miss everything about her, tomorrow is her 17th birthday.
I sighed as I was in the DX garage fixing a car.
"Hey baby!" I heard Evie say
"Hey" i sighed, I've been really depressed the passed few weeks, I sat on the counter looking down.
"Why are you so down in the dumps." She started kissing my neck.
"Evie, i can't"I pushed her away
"Stevie come on, just for a little." She started kissing my jawline
"Evie, no!" I said loudly as I pushed her away
"Steve!" She yelled
"I'm here so DONT YELL!" I yelled back
"Aghh!" She stormed out of the DX garage
"Sandy we are leaving!" Evie yelled at sandy
"Bye Bye Baby I love you sodie." I heard sandy say. I rolled my eyes and threw the wrench on the ground. I got off the counter and threw everything on the floor.
"HEY STEVE!"i heard soda say over the loud noise
"What?" I lead on the wall and slide down, and broke down in tears
"Did a tornado pass by?" Soda chucked
"Soda, I need baby girl. I love her, I can't stand a day with out her." I kicked a can that was on the floor. Soda walked towards me and sat down next to me.
"I miss her too, I love her so much but I think Dally is blaming him self for everything and it is killing him a bit." Soda said patting my shoulder
"I know, I know, but" I started
"But what?" Soda interrupted
"I think I like her more then friends Soda, I don't like her I love her Soda." I cried, I haven't cried like this since my sister died.
"Steve, we all lover her." Soda said trying to comfort me
BUT SOMETIMES LOVE WORKS THAT WAY! I'm going to take the day off Soda." I yelled and cried.
"I'll see you at my house later okay?" Soda got up and hugged me

With that I left walking to baby's house to see if her parents were there.

Babygirl's POV
I want to leave, I have only been raped and beat to death. I probably have a concussion, and look very bad. I am in pain inside and out.
I miss Steve, I miss him so much. I also miss Dallas, soda, two bit, Darry, Johnny, and ponyboy.
I miss my parents, I wonder if they are worried or if they even noticed that I am gone since they'd see always working.

Tomorrow is my birthday, I really hope i get out  and be safe at home in my Bed and have Steve come over and play board games with me or talk. I want ponyboy to read gone with the wind to me. I want to see the stars with Johnny. I want to cook with Darry in the kitchen. I want to watch Mickey Mouse, and laugh at two boys jokes. I want to cuddle with dally, I want to walk with him, and I want him to talk to me and take me to eat ice cream. I want to be out. I miss all my friends.

The boy with blonde hair that kept doing all these horrible things to me is called Kyle.
"Hey Baby, I'm not a good mood right now so if you say a word, I'll go harder." He said putting tape over my mouth.
He always did the same things. Punch me, kick me, grabe his switch blade and cut me. He would rape me after all the pain, then causing much more pain, which turn to tears, but I only cry when he puts my dress back on and leaves.

Steve's POV
I went to baby's house and knocked on the door.
"Who are you boy?" A older man said
"Well um im one of babygirl's best friends and I was wondering if she has come home." I looked into the mans eyes. His eyes were full of sorrow and coldness.
"No she hasn't come home. If you know where she is please bring my baby home. what's your name?" The man said
"I'm Steve randle, and I sure will bring her home when I find her." I gave him a sad smile and started walking to soc territory.

Babygirl's POV
Kyle forgot to tie me up, and he left the window open. I went through the window, since I haven't ate in like weeks I fit.

I saw the sun shine and I saw colors. I smiled and ran. I was too weak to run fast so I jogged.

I saw a figure in the distance but my vision got blurry and everything went black.

Steve's POV
I was walking in soc territory when I saw this girl collapse on the floor so I ran to her.
My heart stopped, I saw baby. But it didn't look like her, she had a black eye, a bunch of blue and purple things all over her body, she had switch cuts on her arms and legs, her dress is ready dirty and kinda ripped. Her cheek bone is cut and bleeding. Her wrist had rope marks, and she had tape over her mouth.
My babygirl, was hurt.

I grabbed her carefully bridal style, I ran to the hospital.

At the hospital:
"HELP PLEASE!" I yelled
The nurses brought a stretcher,and I set her down on it. I cried looking at her like that.
All the nurses ran through the doors with baby in the stretcher.
"Take care of her please!" I yelled
"Sir, please step back." A women said pushing me
"Please!" I yelled
"Sir, I'm going to need you to calm down"  she said again
"I need her! She can't die! I love her! Let me see her!" I cried and leaned on the wall. I fell to the floor bawling my eyes.

1 hour later:
I got up from the floor, and walked to the phone, to call Soda.
"Hello Curtis residence, how may I help you?" It was ponyboy, I don't like him that much, but that don't matter right now.
"B-b-b-babygirl. H-h-hospital.n-n-now." I sobbed
"We will be there Steve." Pony hung up and I fell again crying on the floor. I probably looked like a little baby.
I grabbed the phone once more and called baby's house.
"Hello" It was the mans voice again
"Babygirl, I f-f-found h-her. Hospital c-come now" I cried, her father hung immediately.

I was still on the floor crying for like a 20 minutes, I until I saw the gang in front of me. I was in a little ball crying.
"Steve?"Two said, I looked up and I could tell that my eyes were puffy and tears were streaming down my face
"How is she?" Dally said
"S-s-s-s-s-sur-ger-ger-y" i managed to say
"It will be okay Steve. She is strong" pony said patting my back
"Y-you d-d-didn't s-s-see h-h-her!" I yelled
"Steve shhh. It's okay" Soda hugged me to make me feel better.
"How long have you been here?" Darry asked
"2–2 hours" I cried
"How did she look?" Johnny asked
"R-real bad, didn't look l-like b-b-babygirl blue we k-k-know." I wiped away my tears. I got up and walked to a chair but I noticed baby's father and mother come running to me
"How is she Steve?" Mr, blue grabbed the my shoulders
I just shook my head
And sat down and kicked the air.
" thank you Steve , but don't beat yourself down. My daughter is found because of you."
He smiled
"Si mi niño, gracias, you found my baby" Mrs, blue said hugging me

We l sat down for a long time and just waited until baby name was called.

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