Chapter 19

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July 31 1965

Babygirl's POV
I woke up in my bed. In my bed. I thought I was at the Curtis house. All I remember is me falling asleep on Steve. That is all I remember.

I got up and changed.

Baby's outfit^^^^

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Baby's outfit^^^^

I did my make up, and I did my hair. I walked down stairs to my parents gone, and also lollipop.
I sighed and made myself some coffee. I honestly didn't have much to do so I just left to the Curtis house.

"Hey Guys" I sighed and walked to the couch
"Why you so down?"Pony asked me as I sat down.
"I don't know" I laid down and turned in the tv.
"What do you mean you don't know? You have to know. That way we can help you" he smiled
"I don't know. I guess I still feel bad for yesterday, like the mess that I made. Darry got so mad."I sighed again and looked down
"Baby you know he didn't mean it"
"Then why did he yell at me! Of course he meant it!" I said loudly
"Baby calm down." Pony said putting his hands on my shoulders
"But I didn't mean it. I was just having fun, with lollipop, we were going to surprise you guys by making pizza and then Darry yelled at us. I didn't mean to make him mad" I started to cry. I covered face with my hands.
"Oh baby," Ponyboy hugged me "it's going to be okay, darry said that he was sorry." He rubbed my back
"But it was my fault, I made him mad" I sobbed
I heard foot steps come towards ponyboy and I, but I ignored it and kept sobbing.
"Babygirl what's wrong?" It was Steve, he hugged me and I cried on his shoulder.
"Shh, your going to be okay baby, it's okay" Steve whispered
"No it's not! I made Darry mad and now he is mad at lollipop and lollipop doesn't think he loves her no more! And it's all my fault." I cried
"Baby. It wasn't your fault. You were just having fun." Steve wipes my tears alway and kissed me.
"Steve" i looked down
"What?" She said lifting my chin up and smiled
I looked into his eyes, his beautiful brown eyes, and I looked at his lips. I started leaning in and he leaned in too.
Our lips touched, we were kissing. Well it started getting a bit heated up. But of course some one has to interrupt.
"Okay love birds, get a room." Two chucked and sat down in front  of the tv.
"Why! Why can't I just fucking make out with Steve! My boyfriend! It's not like I complain about you making out with girls two bit! Or you drinking a fainting in front of lollipop!" I yelled at him and then I stormed out of the Curtis house.

I sat on the steps and looked up at the sky. I took a deep breath and looked down. I saw the rose that I left here weeks ago. I picked it up but all the petals fell off.
"Hey baby" I heard Dallas say walking up to me
"Why do sad?"he looked at me
"I'm not sad. See" I fake smiled but I knew I couldn't hide from Dallas, he knows me real well.
"Don't lie, cause I know when you lie." He said
"I was making out with Steve and two kinda interrupted and made a joke I guess and I got kinda mad." I looked down and played with my thumbs
"Baby I know you love Steve and all, but sometimes we don't want to see you guys make out." Dallas looked at the sky
"I know it's just, we were having a moment and he kinda ruined it."  I said
"Just make out when no ones around at least no one from the gang. Okay" he looked at me and grinned
"I guess" I shrugged
"Is that all you are sad about" he raised one of his eyebrows
"No, darry is mad at me and I don't like it cause I made him mad at me and he yelled at me and lollipop, lollipop thinks Darry doesn't love her anymore and it's my fault." I sighed
"It is not your fault and he is really sorry about it. Come on let's go inside and eat, and by The way your food was so good" he smiled
"You are smiling" I smiled
"Someone motivated me to smile some more" he got up and started walking inside.
I got up and ran to him and hugged him.
"Thank you" I whispered, and I let go, I walked over to Steve.
"You feel better?" He asked
"Yeah. And I'm sorry two bit, I guess I was still kinda mad at my self for making Darry mad and yell at me yesterday" I apologized
"It's okay baby" he smiled and kept watching Mickey.
I saw Darry come down stairs, I got up and walked over to him.
"Darry, I'm really sorry, lollipop and I didn't mean to make a mess,we were just having some fun making pizza. I'm really sorry, please forgive me" I looked down
"I'm sorry baby, I was to harsh at you and lollipop and I didn't mean too." He grinned. I hugged Darry and he hugged me. I walked back to sit down with Steve until the phone rang. I picked up
"Hello?" I said
"Hello is this babygirl blue." A lady said
"Yes you are speaking with her how may I help?" I grinned into the phone.
"Well this is the police station, you are speaking with Lisa" she said
"Hi Lisa" I said
"Babygirl we have some unfortunate news for you." Lisa said
"Um, what happened?" My heart started beating fast and my hands started getting sweaty.
"Your parents and you little sister got into a car crash this morning." She said
"Are they okay?" I leaned on the wall my heart was beating out of my chest
"We are very sorry babygirl, you parents and your little sister have passed."those words, those words broke me. I started to cry.
"T-thank you for t-telling me" I cried into the phone.
"Feel better dear." Lisa hung up. I fell to the ground sobbing.
The whole gang immediately ran to me.
I cried, I cried so much.
"Baby what's wrong?"
"Baby are you okay?"
"What happened?" The gang asked me so many questions, but I couldn't respond.
I cried, I sobbed. I curled my self into a little ball and cried.
The gang left me alone, but I still cried.

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