first day of school

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Time jump 3 years

Sorry I keep jumping around with time.

Today is the girls first day of school! I feel like I will cry more than the girls will. They are in the same class which is great at least for this year. They start school at 7:45 AM and end at 2:48 PM so that will be good. We live about 5 minutes from the school so we leave the house at 7:35 AM just so we can all walk up together, Brandon's job for this morning was to get Luca ready and get breakfast for everyone, I had to get the girls up and dressed and then we all got into the car, Luca was throwing a fit for about 10 minutes, and in those 10 minutes he was screaming and crying, it was because of what he had to wear. He didn't want to wear what Brandon picked out. He didn't want to get in his car set and kept saying no. He likes to use that word a lot. 

When we pull up to the school Evelyn said this, "Mommy, I don't want to go to school."

"Why not baby?" I ask.

"Becuase you won't be there."

"But you and Emmie will be there together!"

"Yeah!" Emmie says.

"But you won't."

"But I will be back to come and get you after the last recess."

"Promise." She puts her pinkie up so we can pinkie promise.

"Promise." And I get her and Emmie out of the car sets. 

We walk up to the door. "Okay, I love you both."

"Love you to mom," Emmie said

"Love you, mommy," Evelyn said.

"Love you, you will have so much fun!" Brandon says.

"Love you, dad," Emmie said.

"Love you, dad," Evelyn said

We give them kisses and hugs the whole time Brandon was holding Luca.

After that we go home, I get ready for work and so does Brandon, I am a lawyer and Brandon is a music teacher at a middle school. We both got to finish college. I drop Luca off at Daycare and Brandon will pick him up, sometimes he will go to Stef and Lena's house. 

11:58 AM




I pick up my phone and I see that it is the girl's school

"Hello is this Ms. Foster?"

"Yes it is, is everything okay?"

"Well, Evelyn just threw up."


"We don't like to send students home but we have to call home and tell them, it is your call though."

"How is she right now? Does she need a change of clothes?"

"No we have clothes for things like this, you will just need to send it back tomorrow, washed."

"Okay, can I talk to her?"

"Sure but make it quick."

"Okay, I will."

"Hi, mommy."

"Hi, baby, what happened?"

"I don't want to be here."

"I know baby but how about after school we go and get ice cream?!"

" I don't know mommy, my tummy hurts."

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