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They start to drive and Callie is smiling out the window. What she realizes is that she loves Brandon and wants to be with him. Jude was already adopted and that made Callie really happy. She knows that the Fosters might not like this but they are going to be 18 in a few weeks. They drive into the night and then find a hotel. Brandon starts to make the couch a bed when Callie says that they can just share the bed. They do and say I love you's and kiss but it becomes heated and in the morning they are laying down together without anything. They just lay there not moving just smiling and looking at each other. After a few hours Brandon gets up and takes a shower, gets ready then Callie does. After they are ready they go get breakfast which was included with the room. Then they get into the car and just decide to drive all the way with driving all day yesterday and today they should be there tomorrow. 12 hours each day.

The next day

They get to Bloomington and the first thing they do is go to the Mall which is a popular place to go when people are there. They stay in a hotel for a few days in tell they find a place to live.

A week later

They find a realtor and find an apartment downtown. It costs about 4,000 a month with 4 bedrooms and 3 1/2 bathrooms. They pay for it and a week later it was there's. They wait a little bit so then they can sign it when they are both 18. They stay in the hotel and there birthdays come up and they get the apartment. A few weeks later Callie gets sick and they have to go to the doctor. Before this happened Callie was a barista and Brandon was working at the grocery store. They get to the doctor and she takes them back and asks Callie questions before starting. After a while she goes and tells her to pee in a cup and the does an ultrasound the doctor looks at Callie and Brandon and opens her mouth.

Cliff hanger!! Sorry. Vote, like and comment. Love you guys! -k💕

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