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Callie's POV

It is hard, today we went to a doctors appointment for Kara's baby. I guess me and Brandon's baby. I want it, yes, but I also would have loved it too I carried it. We heard the heartbeat today. Kara has heard it before just not me or Brandon.  I feel like I might not love it as if it were biological mine, I know I even hate that considering how I was in foster care for a lot of my life. I want to find out what the gender is. I know that we have to wait for a month.

(It has been 4 months since Callie lost the baby.)

I hope it is a girl or something because if it is a boy I think that it will suck and I wouldn't be able to handle it. If Brandon really thinks that having this baby is a good idea or will fix whatever we have right now he is so wrong that it is funny.

I know that I am being selfish. With the baby and all. Brandon is starting to go out at night and not coming back until 3 am. He will do this 4 times a week. Is he cheating on me again? God, I need to end it with him. Brandon is still doing the thing in which I go to school and he takes care of the girls and this baby. I want to be able to trust him, but I don't, I really don't. I am starting to pull away more and the girls are noticing. Emmie came up to me and didn't understand why I wasn't sitting next to Brandon at the table, instead, I was sitting next to Evelyn. I told her it was because then she could sit next to him. After we have this baby, I think I will tell him that he has to find a place for a little bit, to give us space, but I have to wait because if I do it know then we won't get the baby. 

Is that bad? That I want to wait till we adopt it. Will, I put it in a bad spot? Between an affair? Because that is what it is an affair baby.  I wanted to not have this happen, to wake up and still be pregnant with my son. I want this to be a nightmare because that is what it is. A nightmare. 

Brandon brought up at the doctors about how I lost the baby and he asked if I could be depressed. The doctor said, of course, I could be depressed. I don't think I am. He told her about when I was in the bedroom in the dark. She then asked some questions with Kara still in the room. Kara looked concerned. Shoot. Is she overthinking giving us the baby? She better not be thinking that.  Why does she have to be here? Why does the doctor have to ask so many questions? I am going to kill Brandon when we get home.

We leave, we get pictures of the baby. Brandon is driving home.

"Did you really have to talk about me?"

"What do you mean babe?"

"Stop with your bs. You were telling her how I acted when we lost him."

"She is a doctor."

"Kara doesn't need to know those types of things with me. What if she second guesses letting us have the baby?"

"She won't."

"You don't know that Brandon."

"Okay, it will all be okay."

"Can you please stop saying that!"

"Why are you getting so defensive?"

"Becuase Brandon you don't get it do you?"

He was silent.

"Exactly," I said.

We get close to the house. I know that I said that I was going to do this after the baby but I think I need to do it now.

"We need to break up."



"No Callie I love you."

"And I loved you, but now... with everything."

"What do you mean?"

"The cheating, lying, sneaking around... I am tired of not trusting you."

"I changed."

"Did you really?"

"So you are kicking me out of my own home?"

"If that is what it is then yes, I want you out before the girls wake up morning."

"Are you F*****g serious Callie?"


He pulls into the house. 

"You can take the 2006-2007 Mazda Mazda 3." (It is gray)



"I don't want to leave."

"Well me and my girls aren't going to."

"They are my girls too."

"Well, they are staying with me. I should have done this a long time ago."

"Are you really going to explain it to some two-year-olds?"


"You would really crush them like that?"

"I'm not the one that cheated, lied,  and sneak around."

"You don't even know what I was sneaking around about."

"And I don't want to."

"Really Callie you won't just listen?"

"No, because I don't care, when you pack up be quiet I don't need you to wake the girls up."

The next morning.

He had left.

I had told the girls that he had to go to work.

They believed me.

I think I will go to the birth of Kara's baby/ Brandon's/ Callie's is that okay? Sorry that I posted late, this week didn't go as I expected and thank you to @annmarielove2000  for all the nice comments on the last chapter.  ❤ -k 💕

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