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Callies POV

I got sick a lot more than when I was pregnant with the twins, we decided that we would tell them at the baby shower just in case anything happens, we will tell moms then too.  We are getting excited a little bit at a time. Brandon wants a boy since he has two girls I wouldn't mind another girl. I just want this one to work and us to be done with having kids. For at least 3 years.

Don't get me wrong I love kids, I just can't have so many right now. I really will be done and I hope that it is just one kid. 

One week later

We started shopping for the baby, we are getting yellow things and we kept the girl's car seats so we don't have to get new ones because they are yellow and blue and green. The girls share a room and with the baby when it born there will be an extra bedroom. The walls are white right now but we will pant them when we find out the gender of the baby.  We are excited to see peoples reactions. 

Sorry so short but I am so happy to post! I've been waiting to do it. See you next Saturday!  - k💕

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