bye bye

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Ximena left. It really sucked, Brandon when into rehab and after his time he will come to our house. 

The girls are fine with Brandon going to rehab, they are used to him not being there. Which isn't a good thing that they are used to it. I feel bad because they have to say bye to him again but hopefully, then he will get better.

2 weeks later

The girls are going to Stef and Lena's house for the afternoon I am spending time with Luca, the girls love him they want to be with him all the time. I love that they love him. They send Brandon letters and but he can send anything back. The girls are sad about that but I tell them that he will love it, we have a count down of when he will come home and every day we cross a day off. There is 76 days left. I feel bad because Luca hasn't even met his dad, he was asleep when Brandon came home. I didn't want to wake him up. But Brandon went into his room and held him. He just didn't wake up.

3 weeks

55 days, the girls are a big help with everything. They always want to hold Luca. It is really cute. Mom and Mama always ask if I need help with anything, sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. It's nice to know that they will help. 

I can't wait till Brandon comes back. Maybe it will be easier with everything, two people instead of one. I don't know how he will act with coming back. 

5 weeks later 

20 days left

I cannot wait till Brandon comes home, I can't wait till he gets to meet Luca. I am excited for the girls, they miss there father. I feel like it will be weird when he gets back, just because it has just been me. I haven't talked to Ximena, she hasn't said anything to me so I haven't said anything to her. Its sucks between us, I really wanted to date her. 

18 days left

Kara has asked to see Luca soon I told her that some things are going on right now but that after they are better that then she can. She follows me on facebook and there is one picture that I posted that is of Luca in the middle and the girls on either side. Emmie on the left and Evelyn on the right. She has commented on posts like.

Kara Anderson: He is getting so big!


Kara Anderson: He looks so cute!

I think it's nice that she comments. People know that I adopted a baby, they just don't know that Brandon cheated on me. She asks how he is a lot. She sends gifts sometimes every month. I don't want her to know that Brandon was, is, in rehab and that he was doing drugs when Luca was born. I feel like she would find a way to get the baby from us even though I adopted him, Brandon didn't need to. So it worked out perfectly. 

The next time will be Brandon coming home I will be posting that soon. I am sorry that I haven't been active. A family member died and I had to go to the funeral and take days off for family. Lots of love, -k💕

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Sorry this is so late (11:26 PM)

Note: RIP Cameron Boyce, thank you for making my childhood a good one you will be missed. ❤🙏🙏🙏

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