Chapter 20 - The Vulture Watches

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" achieve this one must choose any flat surface, the floor, a sturdy table anything that will leave you to lie face up, bringing your knees as close to your chin as you can. He lies on top of you, and should enter you just as he would in the common position. He'll likely need to have his palms flat down for support as he begins thrusting inside you. The pressure and deepness makes you feel deliciously open and vulnerable, while his incredibly deep thrusting drives you to blissfully heavenly heights. The man could all to enter you core from behind, releasing the inner beast everyman has to mate like a rutting bull. A woman must get down on all fours with her man kneeling behind  and have him plunge inside you, grabbing her rear for balance. A little firm, well-placed stroking can open up a whole new world. If he's the exploring kind, it'll encourage him to thrust far enough inside you so that his testicles hit your body. There is something very primal about doing the deed from behind that brings out the animal in even the most mild-mannered gentlemen...." I looked down at Vincent, who fell asleep quickly once the carriage began rocking on the dirt road. He had fallen to my lap when he could no longer balance on the side, he was right about having to move a certain way to gain a male child. But what surprises me more is that a courtesan had experimented this. I had thought them to dread pregnancy, and go to extreme measures to rid of one if they did quicken.

Something about every man having an animal inside them reminded me of something the White Whisper said, but I couldn't seem to remember what it was. That woman was a bucket of riddles and lies; nothing she has said made sense or came true.

Shaking my head, I returned to reading my book. "To feel a man's seed flourish and bloom within you is a spectacular feeling. The swelling of the breasts, their sensitivity as they fill with the milk my child shall feed from me. The growth of the belly, as the child within you grows. You could stroke and massage your womb and experience your child's bliss and happiness within. To feel his father inside me as his engorged member fills me, feeling the juices and blood flow around me. Making love whilst carrying a infant within the womb is incredible, blood flows to your womanly assets making climax more heavenly. He suckles me, liking the taste..." I blink; her lover tasted her breast milk? I don't suppose a courtesan is ladylike to gain a wet-nurse to prevent the child's attachment to the breast, but a lady does not, never, breast feed her child. Only first born sons of higher families perhaps. A gazed down. Would he ask to feed from me as an infant would? Or would he make me breast feed the child without a wet-nurse? I dreaded the break in tradition.

The book stated no more of her lover afterwards, only the child. I frowned, she spoke of the child not in the words of joyful motherhood as before, but as a pest that needed to be removed, a burden. My eyes filled with tears for the unknown child.  My dogs whined feeling my sadness, they cuddled together in their basket. Both too young to walk outdoors with their puppy feet, but Vincent thought they should get fresh air and offered to carry them around in the strong basket. I made large efforts to train them, and train them successfully. I was proud to say they could sit, roll, shake hands, lie down and, to Vincent's pleasure, not do their business anywhere else but the pile of unwanted newspapers near the kitchen door and in their room.  Their coats shined glossily from their bath.

As I saw the manor arriving upon the horizon I gently shook Vincent, he woke quickly then sat up. "We're there soon" I said quietly. He nodded and placed his tricorn on his head, he wrapped one of my pale scarves around his scalp to hide his head injuries, it was better than the black rag and more hygienic.

The lord and his much younger wife decided their guests should all go for a walk through the prosperous garden of the manor, Vincent and I were glad too seeing as we had a long trip and were of a need to stretch our legs. We walked at the back of all the others, suddenly feeling self-conscience of being amongst higher crowds. I smiled as I looked around the amazing flowers and colours, and the large amount of sculptures. And I smiled wider everytime Vincent would coo childishly at the puppies, making faces and noises to gain happy smiles and wagging tails. He held my hand firmly, he refused to mingle with anyone without my presence, fore he claimed it a disaster to 'be left to suffer with these narrow people'.

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