Chapter 31

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Dutch glanced at Arthur, before leaning forward, towards where the Marshall was sitting.

"We're listening," he stated.

The Marshall chuckled. "You know of my reputation, no doubt?"

Dutch nodded. "For a law man, you seem to practice on the very edge of what's lawful," he replied.

The Marshall smirked, "I get the job done, which brings me to you two." He hesitated. "I've followed you're careers with interest." He licked his lips, "Seems you both have a knack for finding criminals, I suppose it takes one to know one!"

Arthur grunted, "well it seems like we bring 'em in, and then the law lets 'em go!"

Marshall Davies sighed. "I know to what you're referring, Mr Morgan. Not the Valentine Sheriff's finest hour, I have to admit."

"Are you also aware, that the man, to whom Arthur refers, has struck again?" Dutch added.

The Marshall frowned. "No, I wasn't aware of that. But if he has, which I don't doubt. Then you may just be the men to find him."

Dutch narrowed his eyes, "Are you offerin' us a job, Mr Davies?"

The Marshall glanced between the two men, trying to read what they might be thinking.

He pulled out a cigarette, and struck a match on the sole of his boot, before lighting it.

He inhaled deeply, and blew smoke in the air.

"I'm offering you a deal, and a job," he replied.

Dutch looked at the Marshall, "like I said, we're listening."

The Marshall, picked a bit of loose tobacco, from his tongue, and threw it disdainfully on the floor. He smiled. "You come and work for me, I'll wipe the slate clean. I'll even set you and you're women up with a place to live."

Arthur frowned, "Work for you? For how long?"

"For as long as I say," he sneered. "or until you get yourselves killed."

Dutch smirked, "you trust us not to run, once we're out of here?"

The Marshall laughed, "Hell no. You run, I'll kill you're women!"

The two outlaws glanced at each other.

"What about the rest of the gang?" Dutch asked, hopefully.

"They're safe," The Marshall replied, "for now at least, in Sisika."

Dutch ran his fingers through his hair, "I won't agree to nothin', not unless you let them go." he demanded.

The Marshall stood up. "You ain't in much of a position to make demands, Mr Van Der Linde."

He picked up the chair, and slid it back under the desk.

Tom Davies, turned to face the two men. Throwing the cigarette on the floor, he stomped it out, with his boot.

"I'll tell you what I'll do, every time you bring me a bounty, I'll let one of your gang go."

He turned to walk away, "You have till dawn, to decide, Gentlemen. I'll arrange for you're women, and the child to be allowed to see you, before you make your decision."

Ella sat on the bed, in the hotel room, her head in her hands. "How long d'ya think they've got Sadie." she sighed, trying not to cry.

Sadie put her arm around Ella, "I don't know, but we'll find a way to get them out." she glanced at Jack. "We need to find someone to look after Jack, whilst we do though."

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