Chapter 12

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They never told the rest of the camp, what actually happened to Micah, or why. Dutch just told them, he had cut and run. Nobody appeared to be hugely surprised. He had always been a bit of a loner around camp. Everyone also knew, he had a bit of a crazy side.

Dutch, and the others that witnessed what happened that day, still found it a bit hard to believe what he had done. But all of them agreed, that what Dutch had done, although slightly surprising, had been the right choice. Slightly surprising because out of everyone in the gang, Dutch was the one, who would always stick up for Micah.

Dutch was now even more adamant, that they should move on to another camp, and those that didn't know of Micah's death, agreed. The rest of the gang thought, they needed to put as much distance between here, and the new place. Thinking that, if Micah returned, he may not return alone.

Arthur and Charles had already discussed heading out to look for a new camp, so for once, the plan didn't change.

The men headed out towards Dewbury Creek.

Charles scanned the area "It looks a bit open if you ask me?"

Arthur looked around, "It would be worse than staying where we are, let just ride on a bit, and see if we can find anywhere else."

Charles nodded in agreement

They headed down the creek, it was wet in places, another good reason not to choose it as a new camp.

The creek eventually led out to Flat Iron Lake. The two men road south along the shoreline.

"We could look for a camp on the shoreline, if its secluded enough." Charles suggested.

Arthur nodded. So the two man carried on riding south.

They eventually arrived at a clearing. There was a Jetty, which sat just on the waterline of Flat Iron lake.

Both men rode into the clearing.

"What do you think?" Arthur asked, pointing to the trees. It certainly has some cover, and if for any reason we can't get out to hunt, we're right next to the lake, food won't be a problem."

Charles nodded. "It looks perfect, lets head back, we should start moving, as soon as we can."

Charles and Arthur returned to camp, excited at the prospect of moving to a new camp. Dutch had told everyone to start packing up, in preparation for a move. When they returned, there was little to do except move out.

Even with the trauma of the previous day, Ella seemed to be in good spirits. Leaving this camp, for her, was almost like drawing a line under everything that had happened in the past few weeks.

The Caravan rolled out of horseshoe overlook, and headed for Clemens point. Which would become the gangs new home.

Dutch jumped off the wagon, then lifted Ella down.

"Isn't this place just perfect. Come on everyone, lets get to work and make this place home."

Arthur and Sadie were already down by the lake at the edge of the camp. It was late afternoon, and the afternoon sun was reflected, in the cool clear lake.

"Do you think we'll be able to stay here for a while, its so beautiful, peaceful and quiet."she said.

Arthur put his arm around Sadie. "I hope so, we've had enough excitement in the past few weeks."

"Here, here to that" Dutch said, as he and Ella joined Arthur and Sadie, at the waters edge.

He looked at Arthur and Sadie "You two, well...I'm not sure we would have got through the past weeks without your help." He put his arm around Ella and continued. "You probably saved Ella's life." he said. "The two of you, well you really are like family."

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