Chapter 25

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Dutch walked back to his room. His head spinning, with everything that Kieran had told him, so far. It seemed like Ella's past, was returning to haunt her. All because of something, which wasn't even her fault.

He opened the door, and saw her lying there. Once he'd found out the full story, he was gonna make sure she was safe, once and for all.

He laid down on the bed, next to her, and wrapped his arm around her. He closed his eyes, and was now able to drift off to sleep.

Arthur, closed the door of the basement, behind him. As he did, he saw Javier, hovering.

"Javier, don't do, what I think you're going to do," he said, calmly.

"And what exactly, do you think I'm going to do." he replied, narrowing his eyes.

Arthur smiled, and put his arm round Javier's shoulder, "Walk with me, my friend, I think maybe we should talk."

Javier nodded, as Arthur guided the Mexican, away from the basement, and out of the old house.

Once they were out of the house, Arthur removed his arm, and pointed to the jetty.

"Lets go over there, we can talk, with a little privacy."

Javier, nodded. Curious, as to why Arthur thought they may need privacy.

Once they reached the jetty, Arthur turned to Javier.

"You care for Ella, more than just as a friend, don't you? He asked.

Javier sighed, "is it that noticeable, amigo?"

Arthur, scratched the back of his neck. "To me, yes. To everyone else, well...maybe not so much. Its the reason I knew, it wasn't you, the traitor, I mean. It only confirmed how much you cared about her, when you broke Kieran's ankle." Arthur sniggered, "that was a nice touch, though."

"So," Javier, sighed. "What now?"

"You know that Ella, loves Dutch, don't you?" Arthur asked.

Javier laughed, "yes, she told me, even after she had run away." Javier stopped laughing, "I'll tell you, what I told her, that if she still loved him, then the most I can be is her friend."

Arthur nodded. "And you've been a good friend. You just need to let Dutch deal with Kieran, even though I know you want to slit his throat, to be fair, I do too."

"I want to do more than that, to the little bastard. But, you're right, I trust Dutch. Just promise me one thing, Arthur?"

"Sure, Javier. Name it."

"If Dutch, asks you to kill him, once he's finished with him. Let me do it?" he asked.

Arthur nodded. "Its the least I can do."

Ella opened her eyes, she smiled, despite the pain in her shoulder.

Smiled, because she could feel Dutch's arm wrapped around her. Finally he was sleeping, and not pacing up and down.

She gently moved his arm, and swung her legs, out of the bed. She winced slightly, at the pain in her shoulder. She checked that Dutch was still sleeping, and walked slowly to the balcony, and opened the door.

The air was muggy, but she decided she liked it here. She hoped, they'd be safe here, at least for a little while.

She wondered what Kieran, had told him. Why had he wanted her dead. His face had always looked kind of familiar. But she couldn't place it. Maybe if she had, then this whole nightmare, could have been avoided.

Lately she wondered, where she would be now, if she hadn't shot her father. But then, if her life had taken a different path, she would never have met Dutch.

She smiled, at the moment, she couldn't bear, being without him. She'd come so close to losing him, losing everything. She would never let that happen again.

Dutch stirred, as he opened his eyes, he panicked, when he realised Ella wasn't there. His panic subsided, when he felt the breeze, from the open door, and saw her, standing there, on the balcony.

He was pleased, in a way, that she was strong enough, to get up. But he knew, that if she wasn't careful, her wound, might reopen.

Dutch walked out onto the balcony. Ella, looked over her shoulder, and smiled, as he walked towards her.

He wrapped his arms around her. "You should be resting," he said, and kissed her neck.

A shiver of pleasure, went through her body, as she felt his lips, on her neck. She pressed her body, closer to his. Feeling his warmth.

She smiled, "I know, but I just needed some air. Did you find out..." she let the end of the sentence, hang in the air. Not wanting to finish it. It still pained her, to think that someone would go to such lengths, to end her life.

Dutch sighed, "Kieran is your mothers, brother. It was only ever about revenge."

Ella gasped. She turned around, and placed her hands, gently on Dutch's face.

"I didn't kill her, Dutch!"

Dutch stared at Ella, "What do you mean, I thought you shot her?"

Ella nodded. "I did, I shot, and killed my father, but the shot, didn't kill my mother. She was just injured. My stepfather, set the house on fire. I begged him not to, but he wouldn't listen. He burnt her alive!"

Tears, started to run down Ella's cheeks.

Ella wrapped her arms around Dutch, and rested her head, on his chest. He gently wiped the tears, for her face, and stroked her hair.

Dutch, kissed the top of her head, "It's gonna be ok, but that boy needs to know, he's been trying to kill the wrong person."

Dutch convinced Ella, to go back to bed. He promised, to be back as soon as he could. He also told her that she really didn't want to be in Hosea's bad books. He may seem gentle, but he was a lion, when roused.

Dutch still wanted to know the full story, of what Kieran had done. How he had managed to cut a deal, with the Pinkertons. But he did wonder, what his reaction would be, when he found out, that he'd been chasing down the wrong murderer.

Dutch grabbed a lantern, and opened the basement door.

As soon as Kieran heard movement, and saw the light, he looked up the stairs. He half expected to see Arthur, heading down the stairs, to kill him. Or worse still, Javier, to inflict more pain, without actually killing him.

He was slightly relieved, to see Dutch. Descending the basement stairs.

Dutch sat down on the chair, which was still there, where he had left it.

"Before we continue, Kieran." He said, "there's something you need to know."

Kieran, looked at him. Fear creeping into his face.

Dutch, looked at him coldly, "Ella, didn't actually kill your sister."

Kieran narrowed his eyes, "Your lying, or she lied, to you. She shot my sister, after she shot Ethan!"

Dutch nodded, "yes, she did. But your sister was only wounded. It was you're sister's wonderful husband, that killed her, when he set fire to the house, knowing full well, your sister was alive!"

Kieran was now staring at Dutch, in horror.

"Yes Kieran, you've spent all this time, and effort, on revenge. Only you tried to kill the wrong person!"

Dutch stood up, and walked over to Kieran. He grabbed him by the hair, and yanked his head back.

He put his mouth, close to Kieran's ear.

"The question is Kieran," he whispered, "do you still want to avenge the death of your sister?"

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