Chapter 11

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Arthur and Dutch examined the map, spread out on the table.

"So where are we going?" Arthur asked.

Dutch scratched his head. "It appears to me that we only have two options, its either North or South."

Arthur looked at the map "Emerald Ranch is a bit further South, but I reckon we should go further South than that. Ideally not too far from a town, so we can get hold of supplies if we need to".

Dutch nodded. "lets not panic either. Yes, we need to move, but we need to find somewhere safe, just off the beaten track, so we don't get molested by bounty hunters or Pinkertons."

"Maybe you, and Charles can head out tomorrow, and scout the area, see what you can find."

Arthur nodded.

Ella came out then tent. She finally spotted what she was looking for. Dutch, pouring over the map on the table. She grabbed the crutch and hobbled across.

"Dutch!" she yelled excitedly. He turned around to see excited smiles, all over her face.

"What is it?" he wasn't sure if he should be concerned, but given the excitement in her voice, and the smile on her face, he decided, that the news she had to share, was more than likely good.

"Look" she said. She managed one step with out having to use the crutch. "It's working," she cried in joy. She made it to the table, where the two men were standing.

"Look at you" he said, and smiled, "It's about time something started to go our way."

Ella peered at the map, "what are you looking at?" She asked.

"We're trying to decide where to move to," he said. "We need to put some space between ourselves and Valentine and Strawberry."

Ella looked at both men "I've been thinking, I think maybe I should have a gun."

Dutch looked at Arthur, in dismay.

"She's right Dutch," Arthur said. "She should really have one, considering everything that's going on."

Dutch thought for a minute. "OK, I'll go to the gunsmith in Valentine later." He paused, and looked at Arthur. "I'll take Hosea, we need to talk. Its time." He sighed.

Arthur really felt for him. This wasn't going to be easy, for either of them.

Micah walked over to the Table. "What's the interest in the map?" He asked.

Dutch looked at Micah, "we have to move, we're just deciding what the best option is."

Micah looked at the map, then kept glancing up at Ella then back at the map."I know the area south of here, let me have a think."

Arthur glared at Micah, "well don't think too long," he said. "Charles and I will be scouting the area tomorrow."

Micah walked off, and muttered something under his breath, that Arthur couldn't fully make out. He figured that Micah was just being, his usual irritating self.

Micah leaned against a tree and stared at Ella again.

Ella was slightly disturbed the way he always seemed to be staring at her, but she shrugged it aside. He always seemed to be doing something to annoy people, so why should she be any different, she thought.

Hosea stood looking out over the horseshoe overlook. You could see for miles from here. It was a great spot. He was a little unsettled. He hated it when he, and Dutch disagreed. He thought maybe he had gone too far the other evening, but wasn't sure how to smooth things over.

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