Chapter 3

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Dutch Van Der Linde opened his eyes. He felt stiff. The chair was more uncomfortable to sleep in, than he had thought it would be.

It was light, and there were a few rays of sunshine coming through the window. Not enough to warm the room, but maybe to start the thaw they were hoping for.

He looked over at the fire, it was a dull glow. He should get more wood.

He glanced at the bed. The young girl was breathing regularly. The fever had finally broken last night, She was pretty much out of the woods now, he thought, as long as they could get everything to heal.

His thoughts were interrupted by the door of the cabin creaking open.

Arthur walked through the door, and handed Dutch a mug of steaming coffee.

"I though you could probably use this," he said. "How is she?"

Dutch took the coffee, and looked at the girl on the bed, then at Arthur.

"The fever broke last night. I think she's doing OK, I guess time will tell," he replied.

Arthur motioned to the door, "you reckon she's up to eating yet? Pearson's got some stew on the go, there ain't much meat in it, but its wet and warm."

Dutch looked across at the girl, then back to Arthur.

"Can you bring a couple of bowls, I'm starving, and we'll see if she can eat something when she rouses," he said.

"Oh and can you bring a couple of logs for the fire, its nearly out," he added.

Arthur opened the door, "yeah sure, Oh and it looks like Charles is back, he went hunting herbs and stuff first thing. I'll send him in, once he's had a chance to warm himself a bit."

Dutch looked at Arthur, "Thank you, my boy. Not sure I could have done this without you.."

Arthur nodded ascent in Dutch's direction, and left the cabin.

Dutch turned his attention to the bed. He removed the damp cloth, from the young woman's forehead.

She stirred, and her eyes opened.

He immediately calmed her, before the terrified look had a chance to escalate.

"Sshhh, it Ok," he gently touched the side of her face.

"wh...who are you?...wh...where am I?" tears welled up in her eyes, and she let out a cry.

"What have you hurts so much?" She tried to move, but couldn't.

Dutch gently stroke her forehead, and let his hand slowly stroke her cheek.

"sshh now," he spoke quietly. "My name is Dutch...Dutch Van Der Linde," he paused, to see if she recognised his name. It appeared that she had no idea who he was.

"Your leg is broken," he continued, "but its in a splint. You can have something for the pain soon."

He smiled gently. "Your back is...". He paused, trying to come up with an explanation which wouldn't frighten her, any more than she was already.

"It has some nasty cuts," he whispered. "My friend is bringing some healing balm very soon."

He grabbed the water canteen from the table, and placed his hand behind her head.

"Here, drink this," he said.

She took a drink, and let out a deep breath.

"Thank you. I..I," she started to try and say something, but the words wouldn't form on her tongue.

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