Chapter 23

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Kieran scoffed, "two of your men, couldn't take down a girl. It's no wonder you haven't been able to bring in Dutch Van Der Linde! I put my life on the line everyday!"

"That's enough," Said the Pinkerton agent, "What have you got for us?"

Kieran smiled, "Well Agent Milton, looks like your bounty hunters did half a job, the girl's in a bad way, she was shot, and lost a lot of blood. They're takin' her to to the doctor in Rhodes, in the mornin', they were preparing the wagon, just before I left."

"So when do we get Van Der Linde?" Agent Milton, asked.

Kieran sneered, "when you keep up your end of the deal, either you finish the girl off, or she swings. Quicker for you, if you shoot her, If he's not with her in Rhodes tomorrow, I'll tell you where you can find him."

"Why don't you just tell us now, we'll go in tonight, and wipe them all out." Agent Milton said, looking slightly annoyed.

Kieran laughed, "two of you couldn't kill a girl, at virtually point blank range, I want her dead. Until that happens, you get nothing, you'd probably let her slip through your fingers again."

Agent Milton, glared at Kieran. "What's to stop me taking you in, your part of the O'Driscoll gang, or the Van Der Linde gang, or whoever you're current loyalty lies with."

Kieran scoffed, "because you want Dutch Van Der Linde dead, as much as I want Ella Rowan dead. You keep your end of the bargain, and I'll keep mine."

Agent Milton nodded, "very well, and you're sure they have no idea, what you're doing, or who you are?"

Kieran laughed, "Agent Milton, you give them way to much credit. They're all as thick as pig shit, they have absolutely no idea!"

"Very well Mr Duffy, you better get back, before you're missed. We'll be waiting in Rhodes, first thing in the morning."

Kieran, walked to his horse.

"Oh, and Mr Duffy, don't worry, there wont be any hanging, any one who's on that wagon, in Rhodes tomorrow, will be dead."

Kieran smiled, "in that case, I'll see you back here tomorrow, after the fireworks. If Van Der Linde isn't on the wagon, I'll take you to the camp, and you can take him out, along with the rest of the gang."

Kieran flipped the hood up, on his cloaked, and headed away, from the bounty hunters camp.

Arthur slowly backed away from the wagon, that he'd been hiding behind, and crept back to his horse. He quickly mounted, and pushed his horse into a gallop. He was gonna catch that little maggot, before he made it back to camp. He'd give him, as thick as pig shit.

Even though, Kieran, was galloping hard. It didn't take long for Arthur to gain on him. Kieran's horse, was just a spare, but Arthur's mount, she was fast, a grey dapple thoroughbred,

Kieran must have had a sense of Deja Vous, as Arthur's lasso, tightened around his body, and he was pulled off the back of his horse, landing with a thud on the ground. This time there was no snow, to cushion his fall, and by the time Arthur got to him, to hog tie him, he was in a rage. He gave Kieran, a kick in the ribs.

"Thick as pig-shit are we, you fucking little maggot. You're gonna be beggin' for death by the time I've finished with ya, ya piece of shit!"

Kieran screamed at Arthur, for someone about to die, he didn't act like it, "you fucking inbred, piece a white trash, your gonna die anyway, the Pinkertons are gonna wipe you out. You and you're kind!"

Arthur chucked him on the back of his horse, pulled out his pistol, and smashed him over the jaw with it, knocking him out. "Fucking Arsehole," he snarled, as he mounted his horse, and headed back to camp.

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