Chapter 24

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By the time dawn had broken, the new camp was completely setup.

Dutch and Arthur, had settled Ella and Sadie in, almost immediately on arrival, in rooms in the main house. Hosea had insisted, they were the main priority. Both having lost a lot of blood, they needed as much rest as possible. To enable their bodies, to heal.

Once Dutch and Arthur were happy that everything was in place, they also went to bed. Arthur, had been on the go, for nearly two days solid, what with chasing down Kieran, so when he finally laid down, he drifted off to sleep almost immediately.

For Dutch however, sleep didn't come at all. Milling around in his mind, and trying to piece together, why that little rat had wanted Ella dead, so badly. Why had he plotted, and manipulated so many people, to try and end her life. Or was he lying. Was it Colm's plan, because she had escaped, and everything else, including Micah, was just a random event.

Dutch lit a cigar, and paced up and down the room. Stopping every so often, to step out on to the balcony.

Eventually, all the pacing, and opening and closing doors, to get onto the balcony, awoke Ella.

She stared at Dutch, pacing up and down. If she had, had the strength, she would have got up, and gone to him. It seemed, now, that he needed more comfort than her. She felt safer now, than she had in months. The person, who was hell bent on ending her life, was now restrained in the basement.

The next time, Dutch came in from the Balcony, she called out to him;


He glanced over at the bed. Despite his agitation, he smiled, and walked over to Ella.

He sat on the edge of the bed, and gently stroked her face. "You should be resting," he said, quietly.

She smiled, and took his hand, "so should you!" she said, half scolding him.

He kissed her, gently on the lips, "I'll sleep soon, I need to find out why this happened."

Ella sighed, she knew he was doing this for her, "then do it, get it over and done with, then you can rest."

Dutch kissed her on the forehead, "go back to sleep, I'll be back soon."

Ella closed her eyes, hearing the door open and close, she drifted back off to sleep.

Dutch grabbed a lantern, and headed down into the basement.

Kieran had by now stopped screaming, as he'd realised pretty soon, that either no one could hear him, or no one cared. He thought it was probably the latter.

He stared up at the basement door, as it slowly opened, and light seeped in. Maybe they had decided, just to kill him, he was pretty sure, that was how it was gonna end. He just hoped it would be quick, but he had a horrible feeling, it wouldn't be.

Dutch placed the lantern on a hook on the wall. He pulled a knife out of his belt, and walked towards Kieran.

Kieran had heard, of people being stabbed, and taking ages to die, in excruciating agony. The fake panic, he had shown, whilst he was still playing the part of Kieran the stable boy, was now real.

Dutch grabbed Kieran by the hair, and yanked his head forward. Kieran screamed out, in panic.

Dutch cut the rope, which was holding the gag.

He took a step back, and sneered. "Thought I was gonna cut you're throat boy, eh? Well I might just do that, or maybe cut you lying tongue out, I ain't decided yet."

"Why don't you just kill me and get it over with, I know that's what you're gonna do anyway,"

Dutch grinned, "Yeah boy, you're gonna die alright, but how you die, is up to you. You tell me why you've been so intent, on killing Miss Rowan, how you managed to manipulate everyone, to do you're dirty work for ya. Then, I'll kill you quick."

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