Chapter 7

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Arthur and Dutch entered the camp at horseshoe overlook, at a gentle walk. They'd taken the trip back at a relatively leisurely pace, because they didn't know how fit the new horse was, and it also gave time for Dutch's mood to improve a little. By the time they reached the path, he had more or less calmed down. The money that Arthur had given him from the bounty, also helped improve his mood.

Dutch suddenly glanced at Arthur.

"I'm sorry son," he said. "With everything that's happened I forgot to ask, how it went with that O'Driscoll boy?"

Arthur flushed slightly, "oh that," he said. "Little runt actually saved my life."

Dutch laughed, "do I really want to know?" He asked.

"I got jumped by an O'Driscoll, at the cabin, so he shot him. Must have picked up one of the revolvers off a dead O'Driscoll," he said.

Dutch frowned. "Did you cut him loose then?"

Arthur shrugged, "nah, he was too afraid Colm would hunt him down, so I've told him he can look after the horses for us."

He gestured to the little horse. "Just as well if your going to keep going off buying horses for people."

Dutch looked across at Arthur, "as I recall, when me and Hosea took you under our wing, one of the first things we got you, was a horse."

Arthur laughed. "Yeah, you nicked it off a bounty hunter, if I remember correctly."

Dutch laughed, "yes, I did!"

As they reached the hitching post, Dutch glanced across at the O'Driscoll boy, who was brushing one of the he horses.

"Hey, boy," he yelled. The boy got up, he looked terrified, but ran over.

"What's your name boy?" Dutch glared at him.

"Kieran, Sir...Kieran Duffy," he said.

"Well Kieran Duffy," he said, "take care of these horses, especially that little mare, or you'll have me to answer to."

He turned his back on the boy, and stifled a grin.

Once they were out of earshot, he grinned at Arthur.

"Sir is it now!" Both men laughed, as they headed into camp.

As they walked across the camp, they heard a shriek of laughter, coming from the poker table.

Ella was perched on a chair, and Karen was standing next to her, with an arm round her shoulder.

Sean and Uncle, were opposite. Both weren't looking too happy.

Dutch walked across to the table. "What's going on here then?" he asked, with a smile on his face.

Ella look around and smiled. "Karen is teaching me how to play poker," she giggled.

Karen whispered something in Ella's ear. Ella's face straightened. "All-in," she said, as she pushed all her chips into the middle. The two men looked at her, and pushed their chips into the middle of the table, glancing at each other, sure that this wasn't going to end well.

Karen look from one to the other. "OK boys, lets see what you've got," she said.

They didn't have much, Sean had a pair of three's, and Uncle had a pair of Jacks.

Ella gave another shriek of laughter, and put her cards on the table.

" Three aces!" She grabbed all the chips, and drew them towards her.

As she laughed, she leaned back on the chair, a little too hard. The chair, tipped backwards, and started to fall.

Dutch rushed forward and caught it. He smiled down at her, "careful, my little card sharp," he said.

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