Chapter 18

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Javier rode back into Camp. After hitching Boaz, he pulled two fish, from his saddle bag, and headed towards Pearson's wagon. He didn't get far, before he heard Arthur's voice.

"That ain't many fish, for a whole afternoon of fishin', Javier." Arthur remarked, as he leant against a nearby tree, his arms folded.

Javier glanced across at Arthur. "Guess they weren't biting today," he replied.

"Or you didn't spend a whole heap o' time fishin'!" Arthur retorted, as he walked towards Javier.

"So, where have ya been?" Arthur asked, frowning slightly.

"I think what I do in my free time, is my business, Arthur. I don't question you, when you disappear off for days on end!" Javier snapped.

"Where is she?" Arthur scowled, "I know that's where you've been."

Javier shrugged, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Javier carried on, heading towards Pearson's wagon. Arthur, stormed after him, grabbed him by the shoulder, and flung him against one of the large oaks, which lined the edge of the camp.

"Where the fucking hell is she? Is that why she left, because you and her...have, a thing?"

Javier, pushed Arthur away. "No we don't, but I do know where she is, and I promised her, I wouldn't tell anyone. So just leave it, Arthur. I don't want to get into a fight with you!"

Arthur sighed, half in annoyance, and half in relief.

"I...Sadie, we just want to know that she's safe." he said, quietly.

Javier nodded, "She's safe, she has shelter. I'm just being a friend to her, that's all. She's still in love with Dutch, despite everything."

Arthur, scraped his fingers through his hair, "then why the hell did she leave?" he asked.

Javier, shook his head, "she doesn't want to lose any more people that she loves, you, Sadie, Dutch. But right now, she's scared."

"Scared of what, exactly," Arthur asked, slightly confused.

"She says, she's scared of Dutch," Javier shrugged, "I don't know why. She just doesn't want anyone to know where she is."

Arthur shook his head, "Except you. Well I guess I'll have to live with that, at least you'll keep her safe."

Javier nodded, "She asked me to to tell Sadie, that she was sorry. Will you..."

"Sure, I'll tell Sadie, what are you gonna tell Dutch?" Arthur, cut him off mid-sentence.

Javier sighed. "I'm not," and he walked away, leaving Arthur, staring after him.

Ella awoke, the following morning, as the sunrise, lit up the inside of the cabin.

She had slept well, considering. But this may have been more to do, with her exhaustive state, than the comfort of the cabin.

She had, tidied the cabin, after Javier had left. There had been a lot of empty tins, and broken glass. The windows of the cabin, had long ago been broken. It meant that they were quite open to the elements. That wasn't really too much of a problem, as it was very warm. She hoped that by the time winter set in, she would be somewhere else. Where, she wasn't entirely sure.

She thought about Dutch. She hadn't lied, when she told Javier, that she still loved him. She did. She probably always would, but she didn't ever envisage a time, when they would be together again. She wasn't even sure that he loved her any more, or if he had loved her in the first place.

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