Chapter Twelve

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Holy crud! How disappointing! I'm sorry I've taken so long on the updates everyone. Been too busy with, well life really hahaha not to mention I lost my phone for a while but anyway! Hope you all enjoy x

And just like that. Everything started to happen in a blur. I don't know why I overreacted. Brad was fine. He had just tried to fly down my massive staircase but he was fine. "Babe, did you see that?! I flew! I FLEW!!!" All of a sudden I felt a rush of panic, anger and relief all at the same time and instead of being thankful that he was okay, I was actually kind of disappointed that he wasn't. So with that I wanted to make sure he was hurt. (I can be real mean like that sometimes). So without even allowing time for second thoughts, I rushed up to him, my blood boiling and slapped him as hard as I could across his face.

"What in the fucking world were you thinking you imprudent, inconsiderate fucking PRICK!" I bashed my fists against his chest and he stumbled back, a loud gust of air escaping him. "BABE WHAT THE HELL?!" He looked absolutely hurt and I kind of regretted what I did. But like I said, KIND of. I didn't fully regret it because he sooo deserved that! "Don't you ever, EVER, do that to me again! You hear me Bradleigh James Taylor?!" "Yes babe..." "HUH? What was that?" "Yes babe. I hear you. I'm sorry for doing it in the first place. But it's nice to know that you still care." I narrow my eyes and glare down at him. "Of course I still care mother f...." "Okay. Okay. I get it babe. I shouldn't have done it. I'm sorry, really I am. Can you forgive me please babe?" Brad looks at me with a little pout knowing full well that I can't stay mad at him. "Just get up and don't do any more stupid shit okay?" "Yeah okay. I get it baby, shit!" I bash my fists on his chest one more time before storming out of the room.

Huffing and puffing, I go back and check on the food and to my surprise, nothing is burnt. Not even in the slightest. Robert walks in after me and gives me a little tap on the shoulder. "I switched everything off because I knew that what ever it is he was gonna show you, he was probably going to take a while so I thought I'd turn it off, so you wouldn't get upset if you came back and everything was charcoal."

I could feel tears starting to form and I had to look to the roof to make sure I didn't make myself look more vulnerable than I already felt. "Umm... Thank you Robert. That was really considerate of you." I don't know why the fuck I'm getting so damn emotional, it's just food which I have loads of anyway. It must just be a combination between my little panic attack worrying about Brad and being a little overwhelmed that someone was considerate enough to see how stressed out I was feeling. I give Robert a hug and hope like hell it isn't awkward but as I go to pull away, he pulls me back in to him and hugs me tighter. "Everything will be alright beautiful. Promise." I drop my head and rest it on his chest to hide the fact that my cheeks are probably ten shades redder than usual. "Thank you Robert. Really... It means so much to know that someone's here for me."

I feel my tears running down my face so I wipe them away hoping that Robert wouldn't notice. He does. And with that I was back to making the food for the upstairs lot. The chicken that I had put on was almost cooked from its own heat that was left on low. Thanks Robert. Robert peeled some potatoes for a mash and I got on to cooking the pork. Once everything was done I prepped the dinner table and called everyone down. "YUSS! FOOOD!!!" Noble yelled as he ran down the stairs almost falling over himself at the same time. I laughed at his predictability.

Dinner was actually quite nice. Everyone was getting along really well and being civilised, even Noble and Brad. Robert sat himself next to me. That's when things got a little hard. Brad shot Robert a disapproving look before opening his mouth. "So... Robert is it? Yeah, when did you start being a girlfriend thief?" "Brad!" I growled just low enough to give him a warning. "What babe? It's a fair question considering he's..." Before I could say anything Robert cut in. "Actually Brad? Is it? I think Nora finds it comforting to know that she always has someone here for her." "What's that supposed to mean Robert?" "It's what ever you interpret it to mean. BRAD."

I'm sorry I know it's only short but man... I've been getting writers block like nobodies business! Hope you enjoy x

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 29, 2015 ⏰

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