Chapter Six

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Sorry guys I know this chapter took way longer than expected to write. Been uber busy but hope you like it and let me know what you think.

Okay. I know this may seem a tad bit strange but I think I'm rather enjoying Brads company at the moment. I usually can't stand being around him because of... Well yeah. But at the moment I just feel so comfortable around him. Like he had never left or ever did wrong by me. Don't get me wrong, I will NEVER forget what happened that night but sometimes I just wish I could forget about all that and just go back to the way we used to be. I think maybe this will make things different. Like it might mend the bond that was broken all those years ago. We finally get back to my house and I turn off the engine. "Wow." He's looking at the house like its some sort of wonderland. "I forgot how much I missed this place." I looked at him and stare for a second. I forgot how much I missed seeing your face... "Well you haven't been here in a while but welcome back." I smile at him and he looks at the house a little longer before looking at me and sending chills down my spine with that charming smile he always used to give me. " Come on." I get out of the car and he follows shortly after. We go inside and he looks around at this house like it's the most magnificent thing he's ever seen. "Hi house. I missed you." I start to walk toward the living room when I remember that I left my phone in the car. Good one Nora. "Make yourself at home okay, I forgot my phone in the car." I walk out to the car and grab my phone. As soon as I look at my phone I remember the idea for the party. I straight away go to text Lola. "Lola, sooo I maay or may not need some help with this whole party business. You keen to help?" I send the message and then go back inside only to find that Brad has taken the phrase 'Make yourself at home' a little too literally. In a matter of minutes, he has managed to not only raid my whole entire cupboard and fridge but also managed to find the living room, sit on THE most comfortable chair in there and put his feet up. "Geez, you don't waste time do you?" "Sure don't. Wanna bite?" He points his sandwich at me. "Umm no, but thanks for the offer." He smiles and looks back at the TV. *Vrrr vrrr* *Message received from Lola*  *Opening message from Lola* "Ah yah fucking noob. Of course I'll help you :)" Cool. Now I don't have to stress about it by myself about this party. I look back and Brad is now absolutely sucked in to the TV so I decide to head towards my room. "Where you going babe?" "That word..." "Sorry, but serious. Where are you going?" "My room?" "What for?" "What's with the interrogation? Am I not allowed to go to my room?" Brad laughs and looks at me and says, "Of course you can. I'm coming." Really? Do you HAVE to follow me around. Come on. This house is gonna be your home for the next week Brad. You dont have to follow me wherever I go. 

*Vrrr vrrr vrrr vrrr* *Incoming Call from Lola* "Hello?" "Heeeey! So here's what going to happen. I'm bored out of my mind so me and Jen are gonna come over now and we're gonna sort this party out okay? Yup cool." Wow don't even let me answer. "Umm well...." "Cool so text us you address and we'll be there soon! Cool? Kaye. See you soon. BYE!!!" Lola hangs up the phone. Wow, that was quick... I text Lola the address and walk in to my room. Now, I have never been the most tidy person so my room isn't exactly the cleanest room you will come across. "Wow Prin, your room is.... uhh... well it hasn't changed much now has it?" I look at him and pull a face... I've never been one for having a clean room. He looks around my room for a place to sit but there doesn't seem to be anywhere he can sit. He laughs. "Ahh Prin?" "Just push my stuff on to the floor and sit on the bed." He looks at the bed and the amount of clothes on it, I don't know whether he's freaked out by how much things I have or whether or not that's just a random look? Anyway, he pushes all the stuff from my bed on to the floor and we both hear a loud thud. "Shit, what was that Brad?" "I have no idea." I move my clothes and my laptop and iPad are on the ground, luckily none of them are broken. "Oh my gosh Brad, what are you trying to do?" I look at him annoyed. "You told me to push everything on to the floor!" "I'm kidding wolfie, I know that they aren't broken so it doesn't matter."  I jump on my bed next to Brad and instantly want to fall asleep when I hear a loud knocking on the door. Uggh seriously? Who could that be? I roll off my bed on to all my clothes, God I really wish I didn't have to get up! "Do you want me to get the door Prin?" "Ugh... No, don't worry. I'll get it." I get up really slowly and by this time, who ever is at the door is knocking like the damn Police. Maybe it is the Police, awww shit what did you do? I think about who it could be and then I realize that Lola was coming over. Shit that was fast. I pick up my pace and make my way to the door. "Fucking hell took you bloody long enough." I let out a tired and low laugh. "Oh damn, did I say something wrong? Sorry. Are you okay?" Lola looks at me concerned. "Oh no it's fine, I'm okay. I'm just tired, that's all..." "Are you sure?" "Positive, just give me a sec." I go back to the room and once again, Brad doesn't fail to make himself at home. I walk in and he's lying on my bed making himself very comfortable. "Do you mind?" "Oh not at all my beautiful darling." "Argh enough already you bloody cheese ball!" Brad lets out an amused laugh. "Okay wolfie, you gotta stay here okay. I have like a meeting kind of thing." "Can't I come meet these people?" "I'd rather you didn't..." He gives me a weird look and I give him a slightly concerned look. "Okay. I won't question you. I'll just be in here." He gives me a gentle smile and then waves me away with his hand. I giggle a bit and head back to Lola. 

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