Chapter Ten

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I spin around on the balls of my feet which probably wasn't a good idea judging from the rush of dizziness that I just got struck with. "Shit." I quickly try to find my balance before making an absolute dick out of myself. Thankfully, I managed to find it and compose myself before making my way to the table. I look around and everyone seems to be having fun. Smiles everywhere, no sad faces or crying. As I walk towards the table I notice something. Brad is there and I stop in my tracks unsure of what to do. DANGIT! I thought he had left the focker! He's talking to a few guys. One of them is Naiyah's friend. I recognize him but I don't know who the others are. I kept walking, carefully might I add, making absolutely certain that I wouldn't make even more of a dick out of myself. Unfortunately for me, someone had spilt their drink right in front of the table, sending the cups I was holding in to the air and before I know it, I'm falling. But I didn't hit the ground. 

I had put my hand in front of my face while I was falling, must have been instinctive, so I couldn’t actually see why I hadn’t fallen but what I did know was that someone had caught me. “Hey, are you okay?” An unfamiliar voice asked in a concerned tone and I moved my hands from my face. Before I could even process what was happening, my mouth opened and next thing you know I’m speaking without realizing what I’m saying. “You have really pretty eyes.” I say. Geez woman. Have you no damn filter?!?!

“Well it’s nice to meet you... uhh?” “Shit sorry. I’m.. Uh.. Nora. Thank you for catching me.” “It’s absolutely fine. My name is Logan.” He pulled me to my feet and made sure I had my balance, keeping both hands on my shoulders to steady me. I dusted myself off as though I actually had fallen and then looked back up at Logan. He had some of the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. “Did I already say you have really pretty eyes? Because you have reeeaally beautiful eyes.” I say again without filtering the words through my brain. Really Nora? Can you just shut up? Please, I beg of you! “Yeah. You said that before.” He giggles and I laugh nervously realizing how stupid I had just made myself sound. “Um, thanks again for catching me.” I say to Logan before embarrassing myself more. “Hey Nora, where are you going?” Logan asks and there’s a bit of concern in his voice. “I’m going to get more drinks.” “I don’t think you need anymore the way you fell just then.” “Hey! The ground is wet, I slipped.” He raised his eyebrow at me so I did the same. “Okay Nora, what ever you say.” I wanted to argue with this stranger but I thought I better not start another scene.

“Well since you’re going to the table, come and meet the boys.” Logan gestures for me to go first but I nod my head as if to say he can go first, so he leads and I follow. “Boys! YO BOYS! This is Nora!!” Logan shouts a bit too loud and the people around us kind of stop and stare for a little before returning to what ever they were doing. I look back and forth at the boys. “Hey Nora, do you remember me?” Naiyah’s friend asks. “Hey yeah I remember you. It’s Peter right?” “Yeah.” He smiles. This is my little brother Terrance and my older brother Henry.” Terrance leans in to kiss me on the cheek and Henry does the same after. We all mutter “hi” as we greet each other. “I see that you’ve met my brother Logan.” I hear a voice come from behind me and immediately know who it is. NIRVANA!!!” I yell. Nirvana’s like an older brother to me, even though he’s actually younger than me. He’s always been really over protective of me and always looked out for me, which I really hated but really appreciated at the same time. “What did you just call him?” Logan asked, looking extremely confused. “Nirvana” I said without even realizing that I’m the only one that knows him by that name. “But his name is Sean.” Terrance says and I can’t help but giggle. “I know his name is Sean. I call him Nirvana” “But why?” Terrance asks, clearly just as confused as Logan who still has a really puzzled look on his face. “WELL. He always used to wear this hat that said ‘Nirvana’ on it. Ever since then, the name just kind of stuck.” “It said Nirvana? On the hat?” “Yeah. Why is that weird?” The boys chuckle and I looked at all of them and muttered “okay” before proceeding to go to the table.

“Aren’t you gonna say hi to me babe?” Brad says with a smug smile on his face. I ignore him because I know it’ll only trigger something inside of me. I walk past him and grab some new cups. I fill my cup about half way with malibu and just under a quarter in Roberts cup. I grab the pineapple juice and fill the rest of the cups. “Come on Nora, baby. We don’t want to be rude now do we?” “Yes BRAD. Yes we do.” I say with as much venom in my voice as possible. He pulls a face but I walk away before I hear his reply. Carefully making my way across the room, I meet Robert back where I had left him. “Where were you? Are you okay?” “Hey yeah sorry, I was getting the drinks. I’m fine.” I hand him his drink with a smile on my face and take a drink of my own, forgetting how much Malibu I had actually added. “Wow shit!” “You okay Nora?” “Yeah. Malibu overload but it’s okay. I’ll live... I think.” “THAT’S A GOOD THING! Get drunk!! Let your hair down, and what ever else they say in those cheesy ass movies.” I giggle and take another sip of my drink. Holy shit man! Lord knows what will happen if I was to just down this whole cup! “Hey Robert, I’ll be back. I need to go and put some more pineapple juice in my drink, okay?” I, once again, start to make my way to the drink table until all of a sudden I hear a booming voice come from across the room.

“SORELLA!!!!” Oh my fucking life! No way!!! “Noble?” I say to myself. “SORELLA!!!” Oh my gosh, it is. I look across the room and my best friend Noble is bowling through the crowd to come and give me a big bear hug. “Ahh. Fratelli. How. Are. You?” I try to say as I have all the wind hugged out of me. “Nora I feel like I haven’t seen you in years!” “That’s cos you kind of haven’t Noble.” We both laugh and he hugs me again. “Where are you going Sorella?” “I’m going to get some pineapple juice. My drink is soo hundy Malibu it’s not even funny.” “Fuck man. Just drink it man! You’ll be fine.” “Nah oi. Not this time. I’m gonna play it safe. Sip, stay and play.” “Suite yourself girl. I’m going to dance!!!” And with that, Noble was gone. Well that was... uhh interesting. I went back to the table, put some more pineapple juice in my cup and went back to Robert.

The rest of the night was a blur. Literally. I remember having an argument with Noble but we were laughing the whole time so it wasn’t serious. I remember bumping in to Logan a couple of times, exchanging shy smiles and all that. All I really remember is waking up in bed and what an absolute shocker. I’m not alone... “Good morning sunshine.” What in the hell? “Urgh. Where am I?” “You, for some odd reason, ended up at mine.” “And you are?” “Well if you opened your eyes, you would know.” I slowly open my eyes and immediately wish I hadn’t. “Will?”

Sorry, I know it isn't long but hope you liked it x

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