Chapter Three

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I walked out the classroom doors and wait for Lola to come out. Robert walks out first and gives me a goodbye smile before walking away. I smile and watch him walk down the corridor and out the big double doors.

"BOO!" Lola startles me. I'm yet to come to terms with her enthusiasm. 

"You two looked awfully close during that lesson. You know each other?" I shook my head. He was a really cool guy; unlike most boys I had met who tend to behave like jerks to try and get the attention that they crave.

"Nope. Just met him then. He's real cool."

Lola gave me a smug little look then punched me in the arm.

"Fuck you're cute." I didn't really know how to respond to that. I've never really had a good way with words. They usually just blurt out. Like I'm not as bad as those people that have verbal diarrhea, but sometimes there are things that should just be left unsaid.

Anyway, we meet up with the rest of the Gang and I manage to ask for their numbers without making a complete fool of myself, then we all went our separate ways. 

Now that wasn't all that bad now was it Nora?

I walked down the street still trying to take in everything that happened today. Within one day I had managed to piss off my sister, make a group of friends that look like they shouldn't even be together, found a place for myself on Professor Goodmans' naughty list, not to mention that vision of Brad and Ayla.

I fucking hate that bitch!

It's so weird. Ayla used to be my best friend. Like BEST FRIEND. We used to do everything together. I won't lie, I do miss her and I miss having her be my best friend but seriously? What she did with Brad was nothing short of unforgivable.

I shake my head to clear Ayla from my mind, I didn't want her to be the only thing I thought about tonight. It feels so good to know how close I live to school. My parents did offer to get me one of the dorm rooms on campus but I really didn't want to leave home. Not yet anyway. I took the first street on the left, crossed the road then took the first street on the right. I always hated walking down this street, but it was the fastest way to get me home so I always took it. I put my headphones in and turned my music up so that I couldn't hear the people asking me for things like money or food. As I walk I keep my head down the whole way. I couldn't bare to look at these people, not because they disgusted me but because I couldn't bear to see them in such poor conditions. They all either looked sick or really horrid. Must be all the drugs that they take, it makes them all look sickly thin and just unhealthy. I just tried to avoid eye contact without them and carried on walking. I rounded the corner and turned right on to the small side street before hitting the main road. I walk along the main road, watching all the cars zoom past take one more right and continue walking. The alley way comes last on the left and then you will find yourself on my street and on the right is my humble abode. I walk into the door, kick my shoes off and walk up the stairs and to my room. Gosh that bed looks reeeeaaal good right now. I take a running leap on to my bed, landing on my stomach. I cuddle up to  my pillows and teddy bears. Dude, I don't care how old I get, my teddy bears aren't going anywhere. Call me weird or childish but I don't care... I love my teddy's. I feel my eyelids begin to close and I let the warmth of the sun on my bed warm me up as I slowly begin to fall asleep. 


...... I'm running, running, I'm running, running, running, girl. What do you do whe....

Shit what is that? Oh, jokes. It's my phone. Love I by The Green. Seriously good song. I sit for a moment listening to the ring tone before I actually check why it's going off. *7 New message* Well at least I know I'm loved!!! Yay me, wonder who loves me... Ayla. What the fuck? Mama. Typical. Mama. Once again, typical. Lola. Wow, she actually texted. Mila. Okay, weird. She never texts me. Naiyah. Bestie! Brad. The fuck? Why in the world are you texting me? Okay, so there's a really freaky coincidence. Like it's typical of my mother to text me twice. Lola said she was going to text me. Mila texting me is a bit weird but maybe it's something important? Naiyah texting me is a surprise but it's a very nice surprise but Ayla and Brad? What the fuck man! Like I thought I was over hearing from you guys... Everyone who knew me well knew that I loved Brad. And I think I always will love Brad. Which sucks. But like he was one of my first loves... Just stop thinking about him Nora, maybe it will go away like last time. God I was so over being hung up on him. But sometimes I just couldn't help it. Then I wonder why can't I be normal like other people and just... You know. Get over things and move on. Trust me, when it came to feelings, I was the worst. I was never quite sure how I felt and sometimes people used to question whether or not I was like bipolar or something? At times, the way my mood changed I thought I was... I tried not to focus so much on that, but rather I tried to focus more on the good things in life. That way I didn't have to go back to being that weird girl who sat by herself at school and looked sad all the time like something was bothering her constantly. I refuse to go back to being that girl...

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