Chapter Seven

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Clearly I suck at updating... Sorry it's taken so long. I've been so busy. Anyway onwards soldiers(:

The week seems like it's flying by so quickly. It's probably because all I've been doing is waking up, and then you know shower and what not, then hang with Brad, maybe watch some movies, eat, watch more movies then go back to sleep. Lola seems to be taking more control of the party organizing than I even have the enthusiasm for, I just really can't be bothered. I just want to make the most of my time with Brad while he's still here. I come to the realization that I should probably invite people I know so I decide to invite some of my friends and even though they might feel a bit out of place at this party, I'm probably gonna feel just as out of place as they are. I mean I'm not gonna know three quarters of the people that are coming to this party. What's the harm in it? I text all the people in my phone from my contact group "Family" and let them all know that there's gonna be a party at mine on Saturday. Within minutes my phone is flooded with texts from all my old friends saying how much they miss me and how much they would love to come to the party. Yuss! I'm not just gonna be with Brad all night! Well that was a great way to brighten up my day. I'm just happy that I get to spend time with Brad while I can. I need to make he most of my time with him while I can. I guess it will help me not to get too jealous of him if he decides to try and get with someone at the party. It's kind of cool having Brad around though. He's different. Like he isn't the same Brad that I once loved but I still love him... Time keeps flying by like it's only minutes in a day but like I said. I'm going to make the most of every second I have with him. It's already Friday and it's like we just keep drawing closer and closer to each other. We clean the whole entire house because I know I'll regret it if I don't. We have a lot of fun. Music's loud, cleaning everything, making sure that everything is perfect for the party tomorrow.

By this time I'm exhausted but Brad doesn't stop amazing me because he's already made dinner and made sure that it was ready by the time I had finished cleaning the house. We don't watch TV while we eat dinner now. Brad makes us eat at the table, which isn't always a bad thing but after a while it's kind of hard trying to find new conversation when all we've been doing is hanging out with each other. But somehow, Brad always seems to rustle something up. "Hey Prin?" "Yeah?" "I know this is probably totally out of the blue but. Well... I really missed you." "Naaaw. I really missed me too Brad." He laughs at me. "You're such a dork sometimes babe." I scrunch my face. I didn't know whether I was cringing at the word "babe" or whether I was just trying to pull a cute facial, which probably would have failed at looking cute anyway. "I'm just kidding Brad. I missed you too." I regretted saying that as soon as the words slipped out of my mouth. I felt a tear start to form in my right eye. "Wow, wow, wow. Do I detect a hint of pain in that tear?" "What?" "Well everyone says that if the first tear comes from your left eye then its for happiness, whereas if its from the right then its for pain. So once again. Do I detect a hint of pain in that tear?" I quickly rub the tear away and give him a little nudge. "No egg. Why would there be a reason for me to be sad? I'm happy okay." Brad looks at me, skeptical but he doesn't question me anymore. He just nods his head and we go into the sitting room to go and watch some movies. I end up falling asleep on his lap as we watch the movie, he wakes me at the end of the movie and we both go to bed. We cuddle up and I brace myself for the day that's gonna come. 

Its Saturday already? Geez how time flies. Well looks like I'm gonna have to start setting up. I decide that it would be wise for me not to wake Brad up, he'd probably distract me more than he would help me. I already made sure the house was clean yesterday so the only mess i'll have to clean up is the one from the party. Luckily every room in this house has a lock and key so i can lock all the rooms people aren't allowed in, which would be pretty much every room except for the bathrooms. I have a lot of things to move and i have a lot of things to hide. I don't want anything being stolen so i'll put the valuables away. Its not like I'm gonna know everyone that's gonna be coming so best to be careful. The only things i will leave out are specific things, and i will know if they go missing... Actually. Better not take the chance... I decide that even though I would trust other people not to take things from other peoples houses, I can't be 100% sure that they won't. So I decide to take precautions and put EVERYTHING away. I close the bedroom door making sure not to wake Brad then I turn the music up LOUD. Luckily the walls in our house are pretty much sound proof so hopefully, Brad won't hear a thing. I head upstairs to start moving things around, but before I make it to the stairs there's a loud knock on the door. I head towards the door and open it slightly. Before I know it, the door is flying open and in walks Lola all high and mighty already blabbing on about how amazing this party is going to be. I raise my hand to give her a friendly wave to say hi and she walks up to me (still blabbing might I add) and gives me a high five then shoves a whole box of stuff in to my chest. "Well come on lazy pants! Get up stairs and lets start setting this shit up!" Ya kidding me right? This girl had more enthusiasm than an over-sugared, hyper active toddler with a coffee in one hand and a sugar coated lollipop in the other. This girl was on a mission! I still hadn't managed to put a word in but i thought the less I say, the better. Come on Nora, just stay out of her way and you'...... "Um hello? Earth to Nora! Have you even been listening to anything I've been saying?" "Yeah of course I have...." I look around nervously. "Oh my God, you haven't have you? Argh, doesn't matter. As I was saying before. I invited that dude from music that you had a thing with." Lola giggles to herself and I shot her a look that I hoped would look confused, angry and nervous at the same time.

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