Chapter Five

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"Helloo?" This girls voice trills through the phone. "Yeah, hi. Umm who is this?" I can hear a lot of noise in the background. Music, chattering, laughing. Where ever Brad is, he must be having a good time... "Babe. You called me. Who is THIS?" Did she just babe me? I have always hated that word. Seriously? Do I look like the pig on the movie 'Babe'? Because last time I checked, I was human. "Umm. Yeah, can you please just give the phone to Brad?" I can hear this girl having another conversation so I yell in to the phone. "HELLO! CAN. YOU. GIVE. THE PHONE. TO BRAD." "What? Who's Brad? Sorry babe but I think you have the wrong number." I'm already sick of this bitch. Bad enough she's answering Brads phone, but on top of that she calls me babe? Yeah, nah. So not down with that. "Look honey. This phone, the one you're talking to me on, yeah, it belongs to Brad. So find him, give him the phone and we can be done with this conversation, okay? Get it? Got it? Good. Find Brad. NOW. Please and thank you." I hear her huff a bit and begin to ask people where Brad is. I sit for a moment before a voice breaks the silence. "Hello, Brad wants to know who it is that's calling." This is a different girl. She sounds a lot more stern. A lot more straight forward and to the point. "Why doesn't Brad ask me himself?" She shoots back with an impatient answer, "Just tell me who you are please." I look at the phone. Moody much lady... "This is Nora. Can you give the phone to Brad now please?" I hear this girl whisper to someone saying it's me and the phone cracks up a little bit before... "Nora? Is this really you?" I look at the phone annoyed. "Of course it's me you mangy mutt! Where are you?" "Woow, no need for that kind of language Prin. Come to my old school. I'll meet you there." "But where are you?" "Prin, don't worry about it okay babe, just meet me at school." "Fine I will. By the way, you know I don't like that word." "Sorry beautiful, see you soon."  I don't like where this is heading...

I carefully reverse out of the driveway. This was the only disadvantage of the house. The driveway was a bitch to get out of. I reverse slowly and then up the drive. I check myself again. Why are you being so paranoid Nora? You look fine! I hate how Brad can make everything about me change. I never bother to look good for other people so what makes him so special? I fix my hair that almost got ruined in the rain and then I turn out of the drive way. I drive down the road until I reach the roundabout, I turn a sharp left and continue down that road. I can already see the school and there's a figure standing in front of the gate, who now appears to  be soaked in rain. Brad you idiot, why didn't you stand under the shelter? Luckily I have a towel in my backseat. I drive up to the gate, grab the towel from the back and lay it down before Brad gets in the car. "You had to come when it was raining didn't you Prin?" He laughs and leans in to kiss me on the lips like we usually do. I turn my head and his lips hit my cheek. "Umm Prin? What's wrong?" 'Nothing... It's nothing. Where are we going?" He looks at me sideways for a bit like he's completely shocked at the fact that I didn't let him kiss me. I look at him and raise my eye brows as to say what. "Oh umm follow the road, oh wait, we're going to that place you dropped me off at. The one with the long drive way." Okay. Because I can SOO remember where that is. "You're gonna have to direct me because I can't quite remember. After all it's been t..." "Yeah. I get it. Go back towards home." He doesn't look quite happy with me at the moment. Is it because I didn't kiss him? There's only one boy that I kiss on the lips now, it used to be two and he used to be one of them but... well that's... it's just changed.... I pass his house and he tells me to take the second left. I take the second left and it's a really really long road... Like REALLY long! I swear, could this car trip be any more awkward? I'm trying to drive but all I can see is Brad staring at me. Really Brad? Really? "What're you looking at?" I finally break the silence. I couldn't handle it anymore. "Hey, I haven't seen you in years. And you know... I miss seeing your face..." I look at him and by the look on his face, he isn't lying. Okay maybe he's genuinely telling the truth. "Okaaay..." I don't want it to be any more awkward than it already is so I turn the radio on and oh what do you know? It just got awkward again. 

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