Chapter Nine

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"Ayla, what the hell are you doing here?" Ayla just stands there looking at me with this confused look on her face. "Ahh, let's see. Brad said that he was having a p..." " Oh BRAD said did he?" She nods. Kind of scared looking. I knew Brad would be a dick and do something childish but I didn't think he would go THIS FAR!!! I try to contain my anger but I know that if I don't leave, I'm most probably gonna lash out at someone... I look around and see Brad in the corner with an evil smile on his face. Are you fucking kidding me Brad? Ayla looks at me a tad bit concerned. "Nora are you okay?" "Do I fucking look alright Ayla? Get the fuck out of my face." Ayla starts to back up. I feel kind of bad because I don't want my new friends to see me like this. This is the old me. Angry. Sad. Broken. Seriously broken. Doesn't help that Brad was the reason for the old me as well. That boy has always been trouble Nora. You'd think a girl would learn right?

Wrong! Learning has never really been one of my strong points. I feel the anger making me dizzy, before I know it, I'm already prepping myself to hurt a bitch! But right before I can do anything I find myself being pulled away kicking and screaming. Literally. I don't bother to look and see who it is that's pulling me, I just keep yelling back at... well at present, I'm only yelling at Ayla. She on the other hand looks like she just got struck to the back of the head and has absolutely no idea what's going on. "Hey, hey... Calm down..." "GET YOUR HANDS OFF M... Oh. Robert." I pause for a moment hanging my head in shame as Robert looks at me curiously. "I'm really sorry you had to see that." "But I'm glad I did. What happened? I saw you yelling at that girl but I thought, you know, better move you before you do something you'll regret." I keep my head down. Shame! You humiliated yourself at your own party. Well done Nora. Absolutely fucking brilliant. We sit for a little while in silence and Robert just looks at me. Slightly worried but he doesn't say anything. He just sat there waiting patiently for me to talk.

"It was my birthday." I take a deep breath to collect myself before continuing with the story. "Brad was my boyfriend. Ayla was my best friend. And for once in my life, I was actually really happy. But that didn't last. You see, Brad and I... We were never really the most faithful and committed of couples if you get my drift. You know it was kind of an open relationship but not? Do you get me?" Robert has a confused look on his face but he nods anyway. I pause for a moment reminiscing about it all. I laugh to myself. "What's so funny?" Robert asks as he tilts his head to the side a little. "It's all just coming back to me. It's quite funny actually." I sit and laugh for a little longer and Robert joins in a moment later. "Soo you gonna let me in on the joke? Or am I just gonna have to keep laughing at that leaf over there?" I look to where he's pointing and there's a lonesome leaf just circling in the slight wind. "Ha. Yeah, sorry. Umm where was I? Well the whole night was quite funny. Before many people arrived I went to go and get my friend Will because he had no way of getting to my house but he really wanted to come so I went to go pick him up. By the time we had got back home, the party was well under way. Brad, clearly wasn't happy that I had left my own party to go and get Will but personally, I didn't really give a rats ass what he thought. It was my birthday, I was gonna have a good time and I knew for a fact that I would if Will was there. "

"Will was pretty much my tail the whole night. More people started to arrive and they could all see he was getting closer and closer. Eventually by the time the night was pumping, we were holding hands, cheekily whispering into each others ears, he even got to the point where he was kissing my neck and all that." I stop, taking myself back to how I felt that night. I touch my neck like I can still feel his lips pressed onto my skin. It's actually quite sickening now that I think about it. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel anything for him that night, because at the time... I did feel something." I stop once again to collect my thoughts before going on. "The night was coming to an end, everyone slowly started to leave but a fair few stayed. After Will went to sleep, I put Ayla to bed. Or attempted to at least. I put her on the far side of the bed, then I would sleep on the other side and Brad would sleep on the floor next to me. My friend Brooklyn decided to squeeze herself in too. If everything had stayed like that, the night would have went fine. However, the night played out a little differently. Ayla, being in the drunken state she was in, threw herself on the floor and crawled around the bed to where Brad was. Now she must have thought that Brook and I were asleep, but we were both wide awake. Next thing you know, all you can hear is moaning and groaning coming from the ground. I turned to look at Brook for some sort of reassurance that they weren't doing what I thought they were doing, but her eyes showed no such thing." I begin to feel the emotions flood back but push them aside. "I... I don't really care what they did. It was just the fact that they had the nerve... to do such a thing. In the same room as me. On my birthday..." Robert looks at me as my eyes fill with tears. As a tear falls down my face, he wipes it away and hugs me. "It's okay Nora, I know..." We sit there in silence, just hugging. "You ready to behave now young tigress?" He jokes. "Yeah. I think I'll be fine." He takes my hand and leads me back to the party. Everyone asks if I'm okay or what happened but I don't stop to answer their questions. Robert keeps an eye on me, making sure I'm okay but I still haven't released his hand. I think it's wise to just stick to him tonight. 

I make my way through the crowded room, trying to ignore all the questions. I didn't want to worry about the Ayla thing anymore, I just wanted the rest of the night to go smoothly. "Drink?" Robert asks. I nod with a polite smile and he makes his way through the mass of people. I look around to make absolutely sure that Brad and Ayla aren't around and to my relief, neither of them are anywhere to be seen. I let out a sigh of relief before looking up to find Robert standing there, arm extended with a red cup in hand filled with what looks like pineapple juice but I can smell coconut as well. "Mmm, what is this?" I ask with a smile on my face after it slides smoothly down my throat. "Pineapple juice and malibu. It's pretty mellow but I thought you might like to start with something that isn't too overpowering." He says with a bit of hesitation. "Oh don't worry. I love it. Thank you." I smile, outstretching my arm for a cheers. We both clink our cups together and take a big gulp. I think I'm drinking too fast because I've barely got anything left in my cup and I find myself just wanting more. Dancing isn't really getting me going at the moment, but that's only because I don't have enough alcohol in my system to actually have the confidence to dance. I try to make myself feel a taad more unco but it doesn't work so I finish the res of my drink. I turn back to Robert whose cheeks are now a shade of pink so the alcohol must be starting to to work it's magic on him. "Refill?" I ask and he nods. He skulls back the rest of his drink and hands his cup. "I'll be right back okay?" He nods again before continuing to dance.

Hey everyone sorry this chapter isn't that glamorous and it took so long to write but I hope you all liked it. 

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