Chapter Two

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There is nothing more humiliating than walking into a lecture late. And little did I know, this was only the beginning of the humiliation that I was about to face.

"YOU THERE. GET DOWN HERE NOW!!!" Boy, you would think I would be used to hearing that by now.

"How dare you walk in LATE to my class! Where are your manners?"

Before I could answer she cut me off. "Come down here this instant young... lady.... man... Oh bother, just come here!"

Fucking great. Your first day of school and you think it wise to wear a fucking hoodie. That's pure genius Nora. She thinks you're a guy.

I finally manage to find something to say and pray to God that this won't make the humiliation worse. "Actually Madame, I prefer the term maiden. IF you don't mind." Wow. Seems as though that was the best I could come up with. Man. No wonder people think I'm nuts.

I give her a slight curtsy before making my way down the stairs, scanning the rows of seats for the one familiar face that could only belong to Mila. I see a hand in the corner of my eye and turn to see her waving at me, quite secretively might I add. I swear, I myself wouldn't even be surprised if she didn't want to know me at this point, I mean, who WOULD want to be friends with the guy/girl who walked in late to the lecture. You would dummy.

God I hope I haven't ruined the one friendship that I have in this place because I arrived late to a lecture. If I have, God, please, just kill me now.

I arrived at the bottom of the stairs and I stood kind of awkwardly as I watch this woman waddle towards me. This lady was big. And I mean BIIG. Everything about her was big. Her size, her voice, her mouth, her eyes (Seriously, those eyes look like they're about to fall out of their sockets if you asked me) Oh yes, she was big. I've always had a huge admiration for big women. They were always so confident and proud of who they were and what they looked like. Something I have struggled with my whole life. 

I stand silently, wishing I had just skipped breakfast so that I would have been here on time.


Come on stupid girl. Speak.

"Um... Nora."

I don't know whether to be scared or what. This woman is circling me like a shark.


"Umm. Dearmo-Faye."

She stops in front of me and lowers her glasses and examines me thoroughly.

"Must you start your every sentence with an um Miss Dearmo-Faye?"

Why is it that of all times my imagination wants to kick in, it has to be now? I stare at this woman in wonder. The only thing I can see is myself in a huge castle and this woman is standing in a picture frame with a large toga-like dress on holding a wine glass. My God, my imagination has taken me to Hogwarts.

I shake my head trying to shoo away the thought.

"Um. I mean. No ma'am. It doesn't. I'm just having a hard time getting my head around everything ma'am. This place is so huge."

This woman is looking at me as though I'm some sort of insect. A very small and unimportant insect.

"My name is Professor Goodman. Now, tell me. You wouldn't happen to be related to Elliana Dearmo-Faye, would you?"

I lower my head, ashamed that my sisters "reputation" may determine how I succeed this year. You see, my sister wasn't necessarily the most well behaved student you could ever ask for. Professor Goodman looked at me like I was cancer. One that was going to slowly infect the rest of the class with failure. That's absolutely great. Any good first impression that I had in mind to portray was totally out the window. Goodman gestured to a seat in the corner in front of her desk. I'm gonna assume that's so she can watch me.

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