Chapter Four

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Sorry this chapter took so long guys. I've just been overly busy and had a lot to think about.

I feel like I've been staring at these striped lines on the road for what seems like years. Like seriously, if there was anything I was dreading at this very moment, it would be seeing Brad. We haven't spoken properly since the incident at that party almost two years ago and it seems to be the only thing that I can think of whenever I see him. It just sucks because both him and I know that I can't stay mad at him. No matter how badly he fucks up. He knows that he can do absolutely anything around me or with me and get away with it. Why Nora? Why do you do this to yourself? You see, I have a habit of making myself very vulnerable. I always put myself in vulnerable positions and that's probably why I tend to get hurt more often than not. I decide to take the back roads to Brad's house. For some unknown reason I always take the back roads, I guess it just feels better to take them rather than the highway. I turn right on to the long road that I know all too well... I know that if I keep going down this road, and turn right at the end then it will only be a matter of seconds before I reach his house. I stop at the end of the road and I feel an unexpected tear roll down my face. I guess all the memories are flooding back. You can always turn around Nora, you don't have to do this. I wipe the tear from my face and make sure that I look okay, I hate looking bad in front of Brad, even though he usually doesn't care what I look like. As I check my appearance I realize that I'm wearing sweatpants and a hoodie that I only just remembered was his. God, I look like shit. I decide to turn left remembering that Naiyah only lived around the corner from Brad and thank GOD for that. I continue along the road until I reach the turn off for View Road. Now, when it says View Road, it means View Road. You can basically see the whole city from here. I reach the beautiful house at the top of the hill and take the second drive way that leads to the little sleep out at the back of the house. I can see the light on and I pray that it's Naiyah because it will be awkward if it's one of her siblings or someone else. I turn the headlights off so that they don't come out and I park the car.

I decide that it'd be wise that I look in the side window to make sure that it is Naiyah, so I take a little look inside and there she is in the little living room watching tv. I try to make no noise while I head on to the deck towards the sliding door. I stand at the door and stare through the window until she notices me. I swear if you could picture someone seeing Slender Man in real life, it would probably have been the same reaction to Naiyah's when she saw me. She screams out loud then we both start laughing. I open the sliding door, and we both greet each other with a very high pitched hiii!!! "Oh my gosh, what are doing here bestie? I haven't seen you in so long! What an unexpected surprise!" She looks good. Like she looks the same but different in some way. I look at her still trying to figure out what looked different when I realized she was still waiting for an answer, "Shizz sorry ha ha ha uhh I was just in the neighborhood and thought that I would come say HEY cos you know I miss you and all, and I may or may not be seeing Brad after this?" "Oh giirl! Why didn't you just say so. Oh and you seriously cannot be showing up to Brad's house looking like that, I mean yeah you can really rock the sweatpants but if we're dressing to impress then this is soo not the right look." She pulls me in to her little room and she goes in her wardrobe which I'm sure is bigger than her actual room itself. She comes out with a variety of clothes and tells me to try each and every outfit on.

One thing I love about Naiyah is that she has amazing fashion sense, her mom aways buys her clothes and she doesn't buy cheap either. She buys Naiyah like $200 dresses and they are ALWAYS really beautiful. Anyway the first dress she gives me is a short fitted red dress. It looks nice, if I were going to a cocktail party but if I showed up to Brads like this, he would probably think I had just come from some rage. "Hmm, no i don't think that one is appropriate, maybe we'll save that one for another time yeah?" Naiyah says as she looks me up and down. She wrinkles her nose and throws me the next dress. A nice flowing purple dress. I try it on and yes, it was a beautiful dress but I didn't want to look like I had just run away from a fairy tale. "Um Nai's... Can I just choose? Like what you've chosen is really beautiful but I feel like they're too formal? Like he'll think I've just come from like a party or something?" She looks at me like I've just told her she has the worst fashion sense in the world, but then her expression changes and she steps aside and gives me a smile and nods her head towards the inside of the wardrobe. I swear it's like a celebrity didn't want their clothes so they gave them all to Naiyah. That is how amazing her wardrobe was, there were dresses everywhere and skirts and I started to wonder whether or not Naiyah even had any normal clothes. I saw a corner that had what looked tights and t-shirts. I know Naiyah will kill me for wanting to wear these but I want to actually look like I just came from dropping my sister off at the airport. I take a pair of tights and a purple jersey from the corner. She looks at me through narrowed eyes. "Nai's, I want to look casual, not dressed up." I leave it at that and go to change. I felt much more comfortable wearing something like this. It actually looks like I had just come from home or something. I walk out and Naiyah is not quite impressed, but she then gives me a soft smile. "I guess it doesn't look that bad. If you think about it. But you HAVE to wear these shoes with that jersey." She pulls out these amazing purple and blue high cut Puma shoes. I stare at them for a little while. They look brand new. "Are you sure I can wear these?" I look at the shoes then look back at her. "Well you can't wear that jersey without those shoes, so yes." I give her a massive bear hug and then she smiles and says, "Now go. Time is ticking. Let me know how everything goes."

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