Chapter Eight

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*knock knock knock* "Nora. Are you okay?" Lola says in a quiet voice. "I'm here if you wanna talk aye. You know that right?" I try my best to sound as normal as possible. "Thanks. I'm fine." I choke on the last word but I hear Lola mutter an okay before walking away. I sit there for a moment, taking in how pathetic I am. Crying on the floor and shit. I'm just gonna casually get myself sick before a party. I get up off the floor and start to gather my thoughts. *knock knock knock* "Nora? Babe?" I freeze in my tracks. Well Brad's back. "Babe, can you open up please?" I stare at the door wondering whether or not it's a good idea to open it but then I come to the realization that the only reason why I'm crying is because the person behind the door left. Idiot Nora. I slowly walk towards the door and hesitantly unlock it. I peek through the gap in the door only to see that he looks like he's had an absolutely rough time away. "Are you gonna let me in or am I just gonna stand here?" "I'm kind of… not proper." "You say that like I haven't seen it all already?" I feel my cheeks  burn up as I blush. I turn my head away and move away from the door. "Close it behind you please. I still have to get changed." He comes in and locks the door behind him. "Can you just umm, look away or something while I get dressed?" "Come on babe. I've seen it all bef…" "JUST. Look away. Please." "Okay. Okay…" I start rummaging through my draws to find some clothes that I actually want to wear. I find my sweat pants and decide that it's a perfect time to wear them. I mean, it's kind of freezing. "So… Where'd you go?" "Just went for a walk. Got caught in the rain but thought it might help me a bit. You know considering I like rain and all? What about you? Are you okay?" I turn to look at him and make sure he isn't secretly looking but he's still facing away from me. "I… well. Let's just say I've had time to think about things." "Yeah me too." "What I said was kind of a dick move… I'm sorry." Brad turns around and I let out a small shriek. "DUDE! Still half naked here!" "SORRY! Sorry…" He turns back around and now I frantically start looking for warm clothes.

I didn't actually realize how cold it was. I find myself a nice bra and a long-sleeved blue top. I quickly throw them on before he can turn around again. "Shit, I forgot you got caught in the rain. Get changed." "Can you like turn around then? I wouldn't like want you seeing like everything…" "Are you mocking me?" He turns around and looks at me. "Ahh I see we are dressing for leisure?" "Well yeah. I don't really need to impress anyone here yet?" "Yet? Ahh so you have someone you want to impress tonight do you?" "Oh my life. Wrong side of the stick there buddy. I just mean I can be myself around you." He pulls out his charming smile again. "But seriously though. Like don't like look at me like while I'm like trying to like get changed, like yeah?" If he was trying to sound like a bratty cheerleader, he was definitely pulling it off! "Girls don't say like that much Brad." He lets out a laugh that I can tell had been building up for quite some time. "Yeah well, see how stupid it sounded when you told me not to look at you while you were getting changed?" I roll my eyes and look back at him to smile. He takes off jersey and shirt. Lord you best hope he behaves! I forgot how amazing his body was. I closely examine his body before stopping at his stomach. Could anyone's abs be any more perfect? Like I don't meant to sound extremely sexual or anything but his body screams JUMP ON ME NOW!!! I look away before my imagination leads to reality.

"So anyway babe. Like I was saying. I kind of just overreacted to what you said. Like I know you didn't mean anything bad from it, it just didn't come across the same way you intended for me to hear it. I know what you mean though. So pretty much what you're saying is you want to move on?" Somehow I'm still stuck in a state of mesmerization. "Nora?" I can hear what he's saying but my mouth won't move! "Sorry. Um. Yeah. Okay. Sure." "Did you even hear a word I said?" "…rollerbla…wait. Huh?" "Okay I'll take that as a no. You didn't." Brad grabs my hands and pulls me close to him. I look up in to his eyes and try not to lose myself completely. "Prin. So do we agree that moving on will be the right thing?" I know if I say something it will sound like "shakilabokilakahukiblablah" so instead, I nod my head and hope for the best reaction possible. "So we won't be getting jealous of each other tonight if we randomly decide to meet new people riiiight?" Once again, I nod my head in hopes that I don't look completely mental. "Okay. But don't forget. You have that place in my heart as well." He kisses me and then unlocks the door and walks out. I make my way out of the room and take myself upstairs. "Oh. My. God. What are you wearing?" "Umm it's called comfortable clothes?" Lola looks at me, disgusted. "Well you aren't wearing that tonight are you?" "Oh of course not you dingaling!" We both let out a little giggle and begin to finish decorating upstairs. 

A Day in the life of the MisunderstoodWhere stories live. Discover now