(メ ̄▽ ̄)︻┳═一(6)

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I lie on my bed and pick at the end of my braid. The candle on my beside table flickers, causing the shadows on my ceiling to move around like cartoon ghosts.

"It's just doesn't make sense," I say for the second time to no one.

Appa must have known about this school, because as far as I can tell you're either in the know or you're absolutely not. He got in after the cutoff age. Plus, this is the place he chose above all others to send me to while helping Uncle Jin.

He said, I promise you that you know exactly as much as will keep you safe. Do I know something I don't think I know? It's possible this is a test, an extended version of one of our outdoor strategy games, but I can't shake the feeling that I should be worried - worried about Uncle Jin and appa, and very possibly about being here in general.

I roll onto my side. When Kang suggested it in her office, I didn't think it was likely Appa went here, but I'm not so sure anymore. And if  he went here, then does that mean all his stories about him growing up in Gyeryong and being your typical country boys were basically bunk? Has appa been lying to me my entire life? The thought makes my stomach do a small flip. But I'll take the Gyeryong lie any day as long as what he told me about fixing everything with Uncle Jin is true. There are a lot of things I can deal with, but my family being in serious danger when I have no way of getting to them quickly is not one of them.

I get out of bed and open my door. Sejeong's on the grey couch, reading a book with her legs tucked under her. I look at the clock, which says 11:55 p.m., and head for the door. If I'm going to sneak out tomorrow night, I might as well get a sense of what kind of obstacles I'm in for.

My hand touches the iron latch.

Sejeong looks up from her book with its worn fabric cover and faded lettering. "It's past curfew."

"I'm just going to step into the hallway."

Sejeong shakes her head and her hair easily flows. "Not unless you want a mark against you."

"A mark?"

"For being out after curfew, for trying to pick a lock to a restricted area, for opening a curtain at night and letting light out, etc. Get three and you get a punishment of their choosing."

"Like what/"

"Depends on the person. But they're always terrible."

I consider telling her that her brother suggested we meet in the vine courtyard after  curfew, an offense probably worth twenty marks.


She marks her page with her finger. "Yes?"

I choose my words carefully. "If I'm asking something I shouldn't, don't tell me. You were right about Rose. I made a mistake. And I don't want to misstep again."

Her expression loses a little of its ice.

I take a breath and pace myself. "I've never met anyone from a . . . Jackal Family before, and, well . . .I'm not sure how to say this . . . Is there anything you can tell me?"

She purses her lips and levels her gaze at me like she's trying to decide something. "Only that the stories are mostly true. We're ninety percent sure that the Jackal Family was responsible for Lee Jin-pyo's driver taking  a wrong turn in 1920, that turn that got him and his wife assassinated and instigated a war. And we're certain they had a hand in "accidentally' leaving the gate open at the Blue House in 1395, leading to the city's demise and the death of Emperor Taejo. Not to mention the 'accidental' bakery fire in Bucheon in 1666, which led to the destruction of more than ten thousand houses and buildings, and dozens of other incidents. I'm not saying Jackals only cause chaos, because you know, none of our Families are perfect. We all have a long list of mistakes. But what I am saying is that Jackals are more likely to serve their own agenda than the Council of Families'. And because they are spread throughout numerous countries, it's much more difficult to identify them. They speak every language, and they blend in everywhere. They are more true to their characteristics than any other Family here. Deceptive. Innovative. Clever. They will cause you trouble if they can."

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