Chapter 1

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It had been two weeks, three days, 10 hours, 25 minuets, and 45 second since the averted end of the world. The angel and demon were spending the night just like any other; in the book shop, drinking to their hearts content. More their blood content. It was a gloomy day outside, with dark cloud and down pouring rain, set to turn into a storm before night's end.

Umbrellas could be seen through the book store's windows from the night goers. One caught Crowley's attention. It was just peaking over the the bottom of the window. It was a bright yellow umbrella with the pattern of happy lady bug's pasted again and again. The fabric was flimsy, of an umbrella you'd give a child that wouldn't be out in the rain too long by themselves.

Crowley rubbed his eyes and sighed, "I need to sober up." He was sure he had gotten to the point of dunkiness that he was seeing things. Once his blood alcohol level was back down to the legal limit he glance back over at the window.

The umbrella was still there, this time bouncing, with the velcro strap flapping in the wind. "Ya see this?" Crowley asked the book loving angel.

He dug his head out of his book to see what was botbing his friend. Unlike the demon, he desided to stay on the sober side that night. Indeed he was the bouncing yellow umbrella. "Oh dear," the ang gased, fearing the worst. "What is going on?"

He immediately stood up and rushed to peak outside, quickly followed by a grumbling Crowley. Peaking around the corner of the building, trying to stay out of the rain, they saw what was causing a strange sight.

Below the window was a little girl, drenched in rain despite having an umbrella. Her pink dress and black jacket clung to her frail body. It was quickly obvious as to why the umbrella wasn't efficiently doing its job. One of the girl's arm was in a sling, while to other was keeping her up on a crutch. The umbrella was just being held in her elbow of the longed arm.

Despite her injuries the girl was jumping to try and see in the window. It wasn't a surprise why all other shop windows in the area Wre dark, as they were empty. This was the only one that wsd lit. She could have only been looking for a place to find refuge.

With out hesitation Aziraphale rushed out to the girl. "Just leave her," Crowley complained as his friend started moving.

Nothing he could say would stop the angel. "Dear," he called out to the girl as he approached, "Would you like to come in, out of the rain?" he asked. The girl looked up at him with wide blue eyes, golding a glimmer of relief.

"Yes please," she said politely through the chattering of her teeth. Aziraphale grabbed the umbrella from her and held it above the two of them as she hobbled inside. Crowley had already returned inside, doing hell knows what.

Once the girl was inside the angel shut the door and umbrella. "Stay here, I'll go grab you some towels," he told the girl as she looked around. It was then he noticed the plaster cast on her leg, which was covered with a plastic grocery bag.

Dispite his curiosity he knew it would be better to dry her off then ask her questions. Before he needed to hurry around to find a towel Crowley walked up and handed the angel a small stack.

Aziraphale turned to face the younger girl, who had already taken off her shoe, a damp backpack, and struggling to get her arm out of her jacket. "Let me help," Aziraphale rushed avor and kneeled beside the girl. She only came up to his shoulder as he did, so he could only wonder how young she was, and why she was out so late by herself.

He let her use him for balances, as he slid off the long sleeve. They quickly deposited it into a towel, as to not have it drip across the floor. "I believe I have some clothes that would fit you upstairs, if you just wait, I'll bring them to you," he thought of an excuse to leave the room to miracle the girl some dry clothes.

"Thank you sir, but I have clothes in my bag," she told him politely, as she did a blanacing act to pic up the cat styled bag. With theovemdnf came the familiar nose of a crincling plastic bag from both her covered leg and bag.

Aziraphale gave out a soft smile. If she was this prepaired, she could have only ran away from home. The angel help the girl dry off a bit before showing her to the restroom. "That's so sad," Aziraphale sighed as he approached Croey, who returned to drinking wine. "A girl so you he ran away from home."

"No," Cowley groaned, "It's sad that she inturupted our night."

The angel gasped at his words. "We do this every night," he reminded the demon, "But not every night we can help a person."

Crowley glanced back at the angel, "Last time a checked, its no longer in your job description to help humans."

Aziraphale pouted. "Neither was stopping the apocalypse. Besides, what's so wrong with helping someone out."

"Nothing," the demon gave in, "You just can't stop yourself, can ya?"

Aziraphale glared at him, until he gave in. "Is she dry yet, let's get her talking so we can send her back home," he groaned, "Her parents have to be worried."

The sound of her crutch on the wood floor echoed from down the hall. She quickly appeared, now wearing what was obviously pajamas of an adult sized shirt and checkered pants. In the hand holding her up was also a plastic grocery bag, with water gathering on the bottom. "Thank you," she said with a smile. It held a bit of sadness to it.

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