Episode 46: Mission Independence (Part 2)

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Previously on 50☆Stars: Washington D.C. and the 50 States are celebrating America's birthday. And now back to our daily scheduled program.


Maybe it's not a good idea to get lunch after watching Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest...

Nevertheless, lunch at a café is a part of the itinerary. Even if they aren't extremely hungry, America, his capital, and his group of states are there to meet a couple of countries who came to visit America on his birthday.

"Independence!" South Dakota shouts.

"Pffft!" England coughs up blood, getting a laugh out of her.

"Come on, sis." North Dakota frowns.

"What? It's funny."

The Englishman wipes the corner of his mouth with a handkerchief. "Out of all your bloody states, you just have to bring one of the troublemakers..." he grumbles.

America chuckles, "She isn't that bad."

"Just be fortunate you're not dealing with Massachusetts." D.C. drinks her cup of coffee.

Kansas smiles. "Thanks for coming to visit. We really do appreciate it."

"It's no problem, love. Just be mindful of your vocabulary. I hate to lose another drop of blood on this cursed day."

South Dakota glowers. "This cursed day you're referring to is known as frrwmph-"

Alaska covers her mouth. "So, Canada."

Canada lifts his head up in surprise. "You notice me?"

She nods her head. "Don't you want to give something to America?" She looks down at the gift sitting on his lap.

"U-Uh, right!" He places the gift on top of the table. "Ameri-"

"There's nothing in here!" America yells as he stares into an empty box.

His shock gets a chuckle out of the Englishman. "Don't be silly, America. There's a brownie in there."

"A brownie?" Hawaii takes a peek inside the box. "Aren't they on the menu?"

"No, no. That's a different kind of brownie. This brownie is actually an elf of sorts."

America groans, "Not another one of your 'magical' creatures..."

"Be grateful, idiot. That brownie will do chores around the house in exchange for some cream. Since you're so busy all the time, I thought it make an excellent gift."

"So, I can give it a basket of laundry, and it'll-"

"Oh no! Don't ever give it your clothes."

"Why not?"

"Well," he giggles, "his kind are quite sensitive. Give him something as small as a sock, he'll leave your house and refuse to come back."

South Dakota looks into the box. "Does he have a name? If not, let's call him-"

"No, don't!"

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