Episode 19: Ding Dong Dead

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"Hey, Wash!" Oregon enters his backyard. "Who are you talking to?" She refers to the elderly woman standing beside him in his garden.

"I'm just talking with Miss Mori. She lives next door to me," says Washington.

Miss Mori bows her head. "Hello. You must be the friend with the pet beaver."

"How do you know I have a pet beaver?"

"The beaver clinging to your leg, obviously." She stares down at the beaver hugging Oregon's leg.

Oregon picks her beaver up in her arms. "Well, what were you two discussing before I showed up?"

"Just gardening stuff. I was just discussing with her about growing a Japanese apricot over by my koi pond." He points at a empty space between two cherry blossom trees.

"Mmn-hmn." Miss Mori casually smiles. "I hope to be buried there when the time comes."

"Uh... what?" Oregon has a scared look in her eyes.

"My nutrients will provide for both the tree and soil. That way, the Earth isn't harmed by my death."

"Uh, Wash. You're okay with this?"

"The plum blossoms will certainly be beautiful. It'll especially look great during the springtime."

"Speaking of plum blossoms, my Korean friend knows how to turn the plum blossoms into hwajeon (flower cake). I'll ask her to give you the recipe when the time comes."


"Wash. Please tell me you're not seriously burying a person in your backyard." She nudges his arm.

"If you want, I can introduce you to one of my Chinese friends. She knows how to turn the plums into meijiang (plum sauce), and it tastes really good with egg rolls. I can ask her to teach you sometime."

"Maybe I'll ask her once the tree starts producing plums. After that, I might sell some jars at the local farmers market."

"What a wonderful idea."

"Wash? Wash?! Please tell me you're joking!"


"What's up, dudes!" New Jersey smiles at the camera filming him. "Today, I'll be visiting my friends. However! This is no ordinary visit. This is... A PRANK!"

The camera zooms in on a suburban house.

"Alright! Time to get pranked!"

Jersey tip-toes to the door. He quickly presses the doorbell three times and runs over to the side of the house behind some bushes. He peeks from behind the corner, focusing the camera on the front door.

Delaware opens the door. He pokes his head out and looks around the area. He doesn't see a cardboard or anyone in sight. "Did I just get pranked?" he mutters to himself. He closes the door and goes back to reading his book. Little does he know about the giggling redhead around the corner of his house.

"Round two," Jersey giggles as he goes up to the door again. He rings it twice and runs back to his hiding stop just in time.

Once again, Delaware opens the door to find no one in sight. This time, he's annoyed. "Dumb kids." He shakes his head and closes the door. He proceeds to ignore the constant ringing after the second time.

After ringing the bell for the hundredth time, Jersey finally gives up on Delaware in a disappointed sigh. "Welp. Grandpa there is being a grump as usual. But that's okay! Cuz we're off to visit (prank) another friend!" He leaps off-screen.

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