Episode 24: Four Corners, Four Bodies

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"Huh? Where am I?" Arizona groggily blinks her eyes. She quickly shields them from a bright light.

"Hello, Arizona," a deep, holy voice echoes.

She lowers her arms and gasps at the sight of a familiar figure. "God?" She groans, "Was I even close?"

God quirks a brow. "You weren't jumping over the Grand Canyon."

"I wasn't? ... Huh." She frowns. "Then, why am I in heaven? Did my tarantula bite me again?"

He shakes his head. "The reason you're here is because of a wish you want granted."

"A wish?" She tries to recall the wish she made. "Um... What wish was that?" 

"You wished to be a handsome man."

"... What? Hang on. I didn't wish to be... Oooh! Actually, you got it all wrong."

"What do you mean? I'm never wrong."

She giggles, "It's okay. Not everyone is perfect."

"But... I'm God." He frowns.

"You misunderstand. I don't wish to be a dude. I actually wish to have a dick."

God makes a strange face. "Isn't that the same thing?"

"No! It's not the same thing!" she loudly exclaims, startling God himself. "Being a dude and having a dick are totally different! Being a dude means being unable to fit into my clothes and having to deal with all that facial hair and hairy legs. Which sucks literal balls! Having a dick, on the other hand, means I get to keep wearing my cool clothes and not have to deal with being a sasquatch for the rest of my life. In addition to that, I'll be able to pee anywhere without having to pull my pants down. Like, can you imagine painting your name with your own dick? Like, think of the possibilities!"

God is at a loss for words. "I..." He pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. "It has been done."

"Wait. What do you-"

God snaps his fingers, and she disappears a split second later.


Arizona gasps awake. "-mean? ... Huh?" She rubs her neck, unsure what to make with the sudden change in her voice. 'Why do I sound... familiar?' She frowns.

She looks around, quickly realizing she isn't in her room. It's actually someone else's room, someone she's quite familiar with. With that in mind, a strange possibility forms in her head. If that dream with God is real, then that means...

She hurries to the bathroom. She flips on the lights and comes face to face with New Mexico. To be precise, a mirror image of the Land of Enchantment. She doesn't move. She screams.

"HOLY SHIT!" She feels her face. Or, his face...? What the fuck is going on?

"Why am I controlling New Mexico's body? Why am I here?" She stares at the mirror, pinching her cheek to make sure this is real; not a dream. "Holy fuck. I can't believe this."

Many things are going through her mind. So many questions, so many things she wants to do. Not only because she's a guy, but also because she has her brother's body. The things she can do with his body... The things she can get away with. She snickers at these diabolic possibilities.

"I wonder..." A smirks grows on her face when she looks down her pants.

~ Hetalia! ~

Somewhere, in the middle of nowhere, there's a place where anyone can be in four states at once. For a few people, it's a place where they meet up for serious business. And this dire situation is one of those times.

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