Episode 16: South Dakota Pranks the South (Part 1)

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After spreading some mayo on a slice of bread, South Carolina finishes making her BLT sandwich. She smiles in glee before biting into her perfect lunch. Her mouth slowly chews the bite, slowly and slowly until she stops and spits it out in disgust.

"What the... Why does it taste like that?"

She licks the mayo with her fingers. It tastes sweet. Like... vanilla...

"Pudding?" She has a bewildered look on her face.

She hears a chime coming from her pocket. She pulls out her phone and reads a message from South Dakota. It reads: U just got pranked!!! 😜

"This bitch," she grumbles.


"Do do do~ La dada dada~" Mississippi sings to herself as she finishes dusting her house.

The sight of a spotless living room brings a smile to her face. She takes an air freshener from off an end table and proceeds to give the room a pleasant puff of magnolia and cherry blossoms. She breathes in a gulp of air, expecting a flowery fragrance to her room. Instead, she gasps and gags in disconcerted disgust.

"Shrimp? Why do I smell shrimp?" She looks down at the air freshener in her hand. She notices the cover is loose and tears it off, revealing a bait spray in shrimp scent. "Whaaat? I don't understand..."

Her pocket chimes. She pulls out her phone and reads the text message on screen: Love the new shrimp smell? 🦐

Missy whimpers. "No! Not in the slightest..."

~ Hetalia... ~

"What the Hell?! Who did this to my truck?!" Alabama howls in anger.

The entire exterior of his red truck is covered in damp cotton balls, thousands of them stick to the vehicle thanks to the freezing weather. He hears a honk and turns his head around. South Dakota is sitting in her car along the street, laughing her head off while filming his entire reaction on her phone. She manages to get away before he can fetch his gun.

"Get back here, you coward!" He shakes his fist at her.

~ Hetalia! ~

Florida yawns while grabbing a jug of orange juice out of the fridge. Too lazy to get a clean glass, she doesn't hesitate to drink straight out of the jug. She takes a large gulp. Immediately, she realizes something is off about her juice. Her cheeks puff up, and she rushes to the kitchen sink, barfing out a Kraft Dinner mixture. The watery cheddar taste is still her mouth after constant spitting. It takes her a couple of minutes to recover from this prank.

"Heheh... Hahaha!" She wipes her eyes. "Aw, man. That was a good prank. I didn't even see that coming."

Hiding behind a wall with a phone in hand, South Dakota gapes in surprise at the Floridan's unfazed laughter. "That... Why am I not surprised..."

~ Hetalia? ~

Feeling rather thirsty, Georgia decides to get herself a drink. She takes a two liter bottle of Coca-Cola from out the fridge and pours herself a glass. Her nose twitches at the smell of something... off about the cola. She brings the rim of the glass close to her nose. She makes a weird face before setting the glass down on the counter.

"Yeah... I think I'm going to pour myself some sweet tea instead." She pours the strange drink down the sink.

Unaware to the Georgian, South Dakota is hiding from her sight, groaning to another failure. "Darn it. I thought she would fall for my soy sauce and sprite prank..." she mutters in disappointment.

~ Hetalia... ~

After a warm day at work, Louisiana comes back to her apartment in a disheveled mess. She flips on the switch to turn on the fan, hoping to cool herself off. Instead, she's greeted to snow all over living room. She makes a dramatic gasp. She quickly flips the fan off, but it's too late. Her living room is completely covered in white confetti.

South Dakota pops out of nowhere with a phone in hand. "Hahaha! You just got pranked, bro- AAaah! Owowowow!"

Louisiana pulls her by the ear. "Give me a good reason why I shouldn't butcher you and feed your remains to the alligators."

"I-It's only a prank. It's s-supposed to be funny."

"Does it looking like I'm laughing?"

She frantically shakes her head. "N-No! I s-swear I'll clean it all up! I'll clean it up! I-I swear!"

Louisiana lets go of her ear. "If I see a speck of confetti anywhere, I won't hesitate to turn you into gumbo."

South Dakota makes a high-pitched squeak and frantically starts vacuuming the room right away.


+ The shenanigans shown here are some harmless pranks I found on the Internet. I'm sure there are plenty of pranks I could've shown, some that are more harmful and destructive than the ones shown here. However, I'm not into pranks that come at someone's expense, especially the kind that concern a person's health and personal property. In my opinion, my South Dakota OC may be a prankster, but she's not the type to cause major harm on someone as a joke.

- I originally thought about featuring ALL the Southern states being pranked by South Dakota. But after a quick search on the number of Southern states, I thought otherwise for I didn't want the episode to be too long. Sure, I could've done the pranks in parts. By the second part, however, I already featured twelve states (minus South Dakota). A third part would more or less be the same thing. Anyway, this part was sorta requested by one of my readers, so hopefully everyone liked South Dakota's silly shenanigans so far.


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