Episode 36: End Me

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Warning: This episode contains minor spoilers for "Avengers: Endgame". To those who already watched the movie, I recommend keeping the comments section spoiler-free in case there are individuals who have yet seen this movie. You've been warned.


April 26, 2019 ~ Denver, Colorado

The Four Corners Gang (Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah) are at a movie theater to see a superhero film. Not just any superhero film. It is the conclusion to a decade-long saga known as Avengers: Endgame.

"You got our tickets, Colorado?" New Mexico asks his friend.

"Yeah." He shows him the tickets. "I got the best seats in the house."

"I got the popcorn." Utah appears behind them with two tubs full of hot, buttery popcorn.

"And I got the drinks!" Arizona giggles, holding four extra large cups of soda in a cardboard tray.

"Great. Anyone need to go to the bathroom before we head inside the theater?"

"Oh my god. You're such a dad." She rolls her ways in a sarcastic manner.

"I'm just saying. The movie is three hours long."

"I'm good," Colorado assures him.

"Me, too. I went earlier," says Utah.

"Arizona?" New Mexico looks back at his sister.

"... I'll be right back." She gives him the tray before heading to the restroom.


"Holy guacamole! This theater is packed," Arizona mutters.

"Excuse us. Coming through," says Utah as he and his friends head down a row and settle down in their seats.

"Dude, pass me the soda," says Colorado.

"Oh! Here you go." New Mexico hands out everyone's respective drink.

"Oh my god." Arizona gapes at her smartphone.

"What now?"

"Cali just posted her reaction on Snapchat. She's like in literal tears." She grins. "This movie is going to be lit!" She stuffs a handful of popcorn into her mouth.

"Oh no. Does that mean someone dies?" Utah worries. "I don't think my poor heart can handle it."

"Yeah. Most likely Thanos," says Colorado with a smug smile. "There's no way Marvel is going to let the good guys die. They already pulled that card in Infinity War."

"Yeah. Of course Thanos is going to lose." He frowns. "I mean, if Marvel can kill off half their heroes in Infinity War, surely they aren't afraid to kill more people than Thanos in this one."

"If they are pulling that card," Arizona munches on her popcorn, "I just hope they don't kill off my favorite heroes. I'll be super mad."

"Well, let's see." Utah ponders. "They're obviously not going to kill off Spider-Man. He has his next movie coming out after this. Plus, he's Spider-Man. Then, there are the Guardians. I doubt any of them are going to be killed off before their third movie."

"I also doubt they'll kill off Black Panther and Captain Marvel," says Colorado. "It would be suicide to kill them off after the success of their first movies. Most likely, they'll be killing off the original Avengers."

"Nooo!" Arizona shouts with frightened eyes. "There's no way they would do that! I refuse to accept that possibility!"

"I mean, the posters-"

"No! No! No! I'm not going to hear it!" She places her hands over her ears.

"Guys, can you keep your voices down?" New Mexico grumbles. "I know the previews have yet to start, but the entire theater is glaring at us. Please don't get us kicked out."

"Why?" She stands up to glower at the entire room. "It's not like we're spoiling the movie! All we're doing is trying to figure out which heroes are going to die-"


A bunch of popcorn is thrown at her. "Fine! Fine! I'll shut my mouth!" She sits back down. "But seriously, if my favorite hero dies, I don't think I'll be prepared for it."

"That's okay. I'm prepared." Utah holds up a pack of Kleenex.

~ 3 Hours Later ~

"I was wrong! I wasn't prepared!" Utah cries into the sleeve of his yellow jacket after using up every last tissue.

"Don't worry, dude. I got you." Colorado hugs Utah to comfort him after three hours of intense action and drama.

"I can't believe it... They actually did it... They actually killed off my favorite superhero..." says Arizona in an upset tone. Her eyes are too stunned to even blink at the rolling credits on screen.

New Mexico finishes the last of the popcorn. "Man, that was a great movie."

"Yeah, but at what cost?"

"About fifty bucks," Colorado slides in a joke to the lighten the mood.

"And a couple of human lives..." Utah brings down the mood before bursting into tears once again.

"It's not fair..." Her voice cracks. " I love you 3000... Just... Why?!"

"Did you enjoy the movie?" New Mexico asks.

"... Yeah, I guess..."

"Will some ice cream make you feel better?"

"... Yeah, I guess..."

The Four Corners Gang leave the theater to get themselves some ice cream.


+ "Avengers: Endgame" is a film based on a cast of Marvel superheroes who must team up once again to avenge their fallen allies and defeat the villain, Thanos, once and for all. This episode was written and published after the film's record-breaking opening weekend. As such, I left out major spoilers that pertain to the movie's plot.

- My review of this movie: It's awesome! At the time, I can understand why some people may be upset with aspects of this movie. Such reactions are justified; both aren't wrong. Overall, this movie is a fitting conclusion to the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Infinity Saga. As mentioned above, there'll be more MCU movies to come. It'll be interesting to see how this movie will affect various characters in their upcoming movies. Either way, I can't wait to see them when they come out.


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