3 - Deployed Pt.1

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8.00 A.M

"Lisa-yah, hurry up with the packing, we're gonna leave in an hour," Jisoo said, impatiently waiting at the door of their quarters.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming!" Lisa replied.

Jisoo and Lisa rushed downstairs and outside to the courtyard of the barracks. There were several transport trucks waiting and families of soldiers bidding farewell to each other before leaving for the military airfield. The soldiers and their families hugged each other, talked to them before mounting the vehicles. Jisoo and Lisa dropped off their baggage on a truck and went to find their families.


Jisoo looked around the courtyard for her family. Ah, there they are!
Junghun, his wife, Jiyoon, and her family stood there waiting for her. She ran towards them.

"Unnie! Oppa!" Jisoo hugged her siblings tightly. "It's been very long time. I missed you."

"We missed you too." They said.

"Auntie Jishu!" Jiyoon's sons rushed towards Jisoo and hugged her legs. She adores her little nephews more than anything. Jisoo held each of them up and gave them kisses on the cheek.

"Ooh, so you grew muscles..." Junghun said as he squeezed Jisoo's arm.
"Yeah, she probably has more than you already." Jiyoon said as she teased him with her elbow.

"How is Sergeant Seojun?" Jung-hun asked her. Seojun used to be Jung-Hun's close friend while he was on mandatory service.
Jisoo paused and raised an eyebrow. "Who's Sergeant Seojun?"
"Yoo Seojun, the tall guy that kind of resembles a dark horse. He's in the same regiment, you don't know him?" He asked.
Hmm... "Oh! You mean Captain Yoo Seojun? Yeah, he's the guy that saved me from getting punishment. He's okay I guess." She replied.

"Mommy, what is Auntie Jishu going to do?" One of Jiyoon's children asked her.
Jiyoon looked at him. "Auntie Jisoo is going to go somewhere far, far away for a long time. We're going to say bye-bye to her, okay?"
"Aww... you said Auntie Jishu is going to play with us..." Both of them pouted.
Jisoo smiled at her nephew. Good thing he doesn't know what I'm getting myself into.

Lastly, Jisoo drew her sister aside to talk. "Here we are, unnie. There's no going back now."

Jiyoon knew how she felt, and tried to reassure her. "Chu-yah, I'm being honest. You're the strongest woman I've ever met. You will get through this and return to us, I believe in you. You're the family's pride and we're always proud of you. Please remember us while you're out in Iraq, okay?" Jiyoon said while she held her shoulders.

Jisoo took a deep breath. "Okay."

"Ah and also," Jiyoon reached out to her pocket. "Please keep these if you ever miss us."

Jiyoon gave her a small keychain with their family picture. The words "We'll Be Your Strength" are imprinted below it.

"Aww, unnie... I don't know how to thank you." Jisoo hugged her sister for the last time.

The rest of her family joined in and hugged her, bid their farewell and walked away. Jisoo watched her family disappear behind the gate.

She turned away and mounted the truck where Jennie is waiting.


"Rosie!" Chaeyoung's family called, referring to her English name Roseanne.
"Mom, Dad, Ally!" She replied as she hugged each of them.
"Look at you, Doctor Park!" Chaeyoung's dad said as he hugged her.

Once he let go, Chaeyoung sighed and opened up her feelings. "Mom, Dad, I'm still nervous at the thought of going to Iraq. It still feels unreal."
Her mom replied, "Come on, chaeng. We talked about this yesterday. You'll live to save many lives and be a hero. So go out there and make us proud, okay?"
"I guess." Chaeyoung muttered.

Last but not least, my dear sister Ally.

"Ayye, Look who's going to Iraq." Alice began.
Chaeyoung chuckled.
"Look who's a lawyer now."

"How are things in the army? And have you found a boyfriend yet?" Alice wishpered to her ear.

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes and sighed. "Why does everyone keep asking if I have a boyfriend? I'll sue you, for real." she teased her sister.
Alice laughed and patted her on the back.

"Chaeng, whatever happens, trust in the Lord's plan for you and whatever He is doing it for, it's for good. Let Him be your strength throughout every moment, okay?"  Her dad said to her.

"Of course, Dad. I brought my Bible with me. I'll remember and pray every day."

Just then, Lisa and her family found Chaeyoung and came to her. "Chaeyoung unnie!" Lisa shouted while her parents followed.

"Hmmph, limario!" Chaeyoung said while Lisa clung to her on the neck. "Right, this is my best friend, Lisa."

They introduced their families to each other.

"Thank you for taking care of Lisa. We were worried about her, but she told us about you guys a lot. Please be with her whenever she needs it." Lisa's mom said to Chaeyoung.
"Of course, ma'am. We'll take care of her. Thank you too," she replied. Lisa's parents then waved goodbye and left.

Chaeyoung turned back to her family. "I guess it's time for me to leave. Bye, Mom. Bye, Dad, Bye, Ally. I love you." She said as she hugged each of them. Then her family waved goodbye and

"We better get going, Jisoo and Jennie are waiting for us." Lisa said to Chaeyoung, and tried to pull her arm with her.

But Chaeyoung didn't move. "...Lisa, I'm travelling with the other medics."

"Oh. Ah- geez, I can't function well when I'm tired!" Lisa grunted, placing a palm on her forehead. "Well, see you later then. Bye!"

Lisa hopped off merrily to Jennie and Jisoo's truck.
Tired, where? Aigoo, that crackhead...

Chaeyoung was about to head for her truck, until she heard familiar voice call her.
"Doctor Park?"

It's... him. Here we go again.

"Captain Seojun?" she turned around.
Seojun stood there, wearing his on-duty uniform with sunglasses.

"The weather is hot. Aren't you going to get to your truck?"
Chaeyoung replied, "I was about to."

Seojun awkwardly stuttered. "Ah- I see. I'm sorry. I just wanted to say goodbye. When we arrive, I'd like to meet up with you. Are you okay with it?"

Did he really just say "I'm sorry"?

"Sure, I don't mind." Chaeyoung replied."
"I guess I'll see you around. Please keep this."

At that moment, he took off his sunglasses and popped it on Chaeyoung's face. She was caught off guard, and immediately took it off. She yelled back, "Yah- what-"


He walked away towards his truck, pretending he didn't hear her. Chaeyoung could see that his shoulders were visibly bobbing as if he was chuckling. He walked for a while, abruptly stopped, looked around and finally went the right direction.

His clumsiness made her smile. He acts all tough but he doesn't even know where his truck is. He even forgot his favor to refer to me casually. Aigoo... I guess I'll keep these sunglasses.

When Chaeyoung looked back, she spotted Jisoo, Jennie and Lisa clapping happily and laughing in their truck. They must've seen everything.
A guy is after me and I have yet to deal with these children.
Chaeyoung pouted before heading towards her truck.

"All military personnel, get on the vehicles. We are leaving now." An officer announced with a megaphone. The remaining soldiers said their last goodbyes and mounted on the trucks.


Duty • Military AU, Blackpink • JenchulichaengWhere stories live. Discover now